S5 EP 11 ! "Aisle and Tribulation"

Start from the beginning

"Well that's too bad, cause now imma force y'all to have a ceremony whether y'all like it or not!" Dalvin proclaimed.

"You hard of hearin'?" DeVante asked sarcastically. "Ain't no need for no ceremony."

"Actually, there is," Dalvin defended his claim. "We gon' throw y'all a nice lil wedding right here in the house since we didn't get a chance to be there for the real thing."

Tanai and DeVante shared a look of uncertainty, trying to figure out how to respond.

"Y'all know he ain't gon' be satisfied until he gets his way so we might as well just go 'head and do it," JoJo said.

"Okay Dalvin," Tanai granted approval. "We'll let you plan a phony wedding for us."

A smug smile graced Dalvin's face. "Great response. K-Ci, you'll be in charge of the clothes, JoJo'll be in charge of the food, and I'll be the minister."

"What about me?" Kass questioned.

"You'll be Nai's maid of honor, I'll even call up Sharae and Sonia so we can have some bridesmaids. Now let's do what we gotta do! I want this wedding started by five forty-five sharp!" Dalvin commanded before everyone split up to take their places.

"What you mean you can't come up to New York, Sonia?" Dalvin spoke into the telephone. "I don't care if you ain't got nobody to watch Santos, he could drown in a pool of Sunny D for all I care. This is important!"

JoJo came over and snatched the phone out his hand before slapping the back of his neck. "For starters, Imma need you to stop talkin' to her like that. Secondly, imma need you to calm down."

"I can't calm down, this is important and imma need y'all to start acting like it," Dalvin snatched the phone back and hung up.

Kass walked down the stairs with Tanai not too far behind her. "Dal, we got a problem."

"Wha–" Dalvin turned around to see that Tanai was dressed in some strange, thin light blue type of attire. "What the hell is this?!?!"

"Is that a bed sheet?" JoJo observed.

Tanai rolled her eyes. "Yes. K-Ci forced me to put this on."

"This is a disgrace. K-Ci!" Dalvin called out, to which K-Ci came down stairs a few seconds later.

"What is this?" Dalvin pointed to Tanai's outfit.

"What?" K-Ci inquired, throwing his hands up. "She looks nice!"

"You think that's bad? His original plan was to have her dressed in a curtain. And you don't even wanna see what De's wearing," Kass shook her head.

"Let me go back inside the kitchen where I belong," JoJo mumbled, walking away from everyone.

Dalvin sighed, running a hand over his face. "You know what, let's switch places. I'll handle the outfits and you'll be the pastor."

"Aight, that sounds cool," K-Ci agreed to his plan as the two went into the kitchen.

"What kinda cake you making?" Dalvin peered over JoJo's shoulder as he whipped up some cake batter.

"Two layers. One chocolate, one vanilla."

K-Ci unexpectedly sneezed right into the bowl, causing Dalvin and JoJo to look in his direction with disgusted looks written over their facial expressions.

"....my bad–"

"I know yo' nasty ass ain't just sneeze in this cake batter," JoJo glared at him.

"I apologized," was all K-Ci said in response.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and fix Nai and De's outfits up and what I need you to do is sit on the couch and not do anything till the ceremony starts," Dalvin directed him. "Think you can do that?"

"Yeah, that shouldn't be hard at all," K-Ci attempted to walk out the kitchen but ended up stumbling because JoJo tripped him.

Although the wedding was to begin at five forty-five, the time was currently six o' four. The outfits had been fixed, the smell of good food lingered in the air, there was a nicely decorated store bought cake, and the furniture had been moved out the way to create space. It wasn't gonna be your average wedding but more like a...Mr. Dalvin themed wedding.

Speaking of, the wedding hadn't started because he was too busy criticizing Sharae at the door.

"I told you to wear blue. Do you not know your colors? This is not blue!"

"Well I didn't have any blue clothes, so I put this on," Sharae rolled her eyes, grabbing the material of her royal purple jumpsuit. "You better be glad I showed up."

K-Ci came over, enjoying a half eaten fried chicken leg. "She looks good so I don't see the problem," he kissed her forehead and lifted the chicken up to her face, "you want some?"

Sharae took a bite and Dalvin shoved the couple out of his way and into the living room. "Okay, enough of that. Places, everyone!"

The Best Man, aka JoJo, stood behind DeVante–who wasn't dressed in the typical groom wedding attire, but in a black leather jacket with no shirt under, and one of his signature gold chains drawing attention to his bare chest.

"You can come downstairs now!" Dalvin yelled.

Tanai took her time walking down the stairs to make her grand entrance. She wasn't dressed in the typical bride attire either, so instead she wore an ivory colored off-the-shoulder dress with a slit.

K-Ci went over to her and looped his arm with hers to walk her down "the aisle". Once she was standing across from DeVante, Kass passed her a bouquet of fuchsia garden roses.

"I ain't too sure how this works so I'll just go off the only parts I know," K-Ci cleared his throat. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. DeVante, do you take Tanai to forever be your lady?"

"I do, you know what I'm sayin'?"

"And Tanai, do you take DeVante–"

"I do," Tanai interrupted eagerly.

"Y'all know what to do," K-Ci smirked and allowed the newlywed couple to finalize their marriage with a kiss. The five sets of hands in the room began to clap as a way to show their joy.

"Awwwwww!" Sharae cooed. "As low budget as this wedding was, it was still kinda cute."

Tanai threw the bouquet and instead of Kass or Sharae trying to catch it, they moved to the side. Surprisingly, Dalvin was the one who caught the flowers before they could hit the ground.

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