We both grabbed a pile and walked over to my fathers desk. I sat in the large desk chair as Jamie sat across the table from me in a large leather seat.

Hours Later.

"I shall go fetch something to eat for us." Jamie said as he placed his stack down and walked towards me.

I nodded and gave him a small kiss then began looking over the paper in my hand.

After he left I began to write down all the taxes the kingdom has reserved over the years in my fathers tax book.

I hadn't realized an hour had passed when I saw Jamie and Adeline enter my office with a rolling cart filled with food.

Also I had forgotten how hungry I was until I saw the amount of food in front of me. My mouth started to water as the smells filled my scenes. 

"Mommy! I have missed you all day." Adeline exclaimed with excitement as she ran over towards me.

I quickly embraced her in a warm hug as I rubbed the back of her head with my hand.

"I too have missed you all day darling." I said, making her giggle and run over to the food.

Once we said our blessing we walked over to my fathers desk and I moved some of the stack of papers so we could eat.

"Adeline I have a surprise for you." I said as I gave her a wink and opened up one of my fathers desk draws.

I placed my plate down and walked over towards her with the small box in my hand.

"You shall be a power witch/werewolf one day. However this is to help you control your powers more." I said as I took the necklace out of the box.

I gently placed it around her neck and smiled down at her. She smiled and ran over towards Jamie to show him.

He had a mouth full of food but still managed to say it was beautiful.

After we finished eating Adeline sat in my lap as I worked on the taxes. Jamie worked on telling me to import things from some documents from his stack.

"Mommy is daddy really going to leave us again?" Adeline asked as she looked up towards me. I placed my pen and paper down in my hand to grasp her small face in them.

"He must go and help us win this war we are going up against."I said as tears began to fill her eyes.

"I shall bring you back a surprise, remember." Jamie said as he winked at her and nodded.

"I must stay here and take care of mommy." She said in a stern voice. "No my love I shall take care of you." I told her and placed a gentle kiss upon her head.

She fell asleep in my arms as I finished up most of the taxes and I walked her to her chambers. Jamie followed swiftly behind begging me to give her to him so I don't hurt my back.

However I ignored him until I needed help taking her shoes off. "Your father shall sing you asleep tonight love bug." I told her as I gave her a good night kiss and walked swiftly back to my chambers.

My stomach felt as if I needed to vomit but I kept it together so Adeline and Jamie didn't see me weak.

Once in my chambers I ran towards my bathroom and began to throw up everything I had eaten that day.

I lade back against the cold bathroom wall and looked up towards the ceiling.

"Ari, are we sick from all the stress we have been under?" I asked my inner wolf.

"We have handled a lot of stress over the years but never to make us feel this horrible." She said as I leaned over the toilet once more to vomit.

"Then what could it be? I have felt nauseous for weeks now but now that I have thrown up I am feeling even worse than before."

I proclaimed to my wolf as she too felt what I had been going through.

"I have felt very tired lately. Perhaps we need to go for a run." She said as I nodded and got up.

I had began to make my way out of the bathroom as Jamie walked in and began to take his jacket off.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he walked closer twards me and wrapped me in his arms.

I missed my nose in his chest and took in his scent as I nodded yes.

"You look pale." He said as he lifted my face up towards him. I smiled and told him I was fine.

I then told him I was going for a run when he offered to go with me. However his offer was more like he was demanding to go instead of asking.

We told a guard to wait by the garden doors for us to return. He was the one that would have our coats in hand for us to wrap our nude body's in.

Finding Her DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now