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I had been riding for a full day, never stopping. All that was on my mind was saving Jamie.

I was making my way down a rocky hill when a tree branch full of snow fell. It scared my horse, before I could calm it down I was thrown off.

I immediately hit my head and everything went dark. "Charlotte?" I heard a voice call out from the darkness.

It was Jamie! I opened my eyes to find him hovering over me wrapping me in blankets.

"How.... How did you find me?" I asked as my bones started to unfreeze.

"Do you know how long you were out?" He asked as he lifted me up into his arms and started carrying me.

"I have no clue I rode for two days then I was knocked off my horse onto some rocks." I said as I reached up to touch his face. However my hands were blue and I couldn't seem to move them.

"I believe you were here for a day. When I found you, a snow storm had just rolled through. Thankfully I noticed you're sent under a pile of thick snow." He said as he sat me down on a log near a fire.

"Why did you follow me?" He asked in a harsher tone than he had spoken with earlier.

"I had a horrible dream and I felt the need to come to you." I said as I started to have feeling in my fingers

"You have just followed me into battle!" He shouted while he started to kick some snow around. "Please don't be angry. I want to be by your side." I pleaded.

"Here, drink this." He said as he handed me a cup with some liquid in it.

"What is it?" I asked sniffing the drink. "It's to help you rest and heal your body for the battle." He then placed the cup towards my lips. I fished the bitter drink and headed towards the tent.

Jamie barely said anything as he cuddled up to me that night. I had missed his gentle touch on my body. I fell sound asleep in his arms.

I awoke the next morning to find a rip in the tent and the smell of death around the camp. I jumped up and threw on a coat as I made my way out. Like before the ground was covered in dead bodys.

Everything was like my dream I had days ago. After Jamie said "What are you doing here?" In an angry voice everything hit me. I had dreamed up everything like it was happening in my dream.
I quickly kissed him when I saw his face go pale and his body fall into mine. I lifted my eyes to see King Franklin bearing a sword in my love's chest.

I didn't think as the words crossed my lips. "Incendio". He immediately was engulfed in fire as I watched him scream. I felt the life of Jamie fade in my arms. I screamed at the sight of everything going on around me.

Everything I had ever wanted in life was gone. I let my people down and my mate.

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