The Ball

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Once we entered the large hallway out of the doors, it was silent. Everyone must already be at the ball. I thought to myself.

However I was pulled from all thought as I looked down the hallway to find Jamie. Standing in front of a large window at the end of the long hallway.

He was wearing a dark red suit that had small gold splashes spread throughout. He stopped dead in his tracks as I did.

He looked like a god standing there in all his glory as the golden moon started to rise behind his head.

For a moment I felt something between us I had never felt before in my life.

I started to make my way towards him as he started to do the same. However the ladies from the room started to make their way out into the hallway.

Shattering the silence of the quiet hallway. My mother took my hand paying little attention to Jamie walking towards us.

"You shall see him later. You must make yourself known to the court first." She said while leading me farther away from him.

As we made our way towards the hallway I couldn't help but think of the way Jamie looked at me.

I know that a world must first touch a person to see if they are indeed their mate.

However the look in Jamies eyes and the connection it made, felt different then anything I have ever felt before.

I was pulled from my thoughts as the guard in the ballroom announced my mother and I.

Everyone's eyes fell on me as we made our way down the stairs into the large ballroom.

My fathers eyes lit up as he saw my mothers, making her blush a little. I smiled at her then deparparded, making my way towards Harper and David.

"I know it must be silly but may I see your hand." He asked while extending his hand towards me.

I started to pray to the Lord above. "Please, I want Jamie." I repeated as I closed my eyes as his hand took mine.

I was quite relieved when I felt nothing. He pulled away as I opened my eyes and let out a breath that I was holding in since I arrived in the ballroom.

"Well there goes all of my childhood desires." He said while taking a sip of whisky. "Indeed, may I have a glass of Champagne?" I said while asking the bartender.

"Here you go." The man behind the counter said as he handed me the glass.

"Now kind sir, if I am to make it through the night could I also have a shot of strong whiskey?" I asked while Harper's eyes grew wider.

After handing me both glasses I downed the whiskey then walked towards Harper.

"Charlotte, I know that it takes a lot to get you drunk. However you need to focus on the men here at court." She said while taking my Champagne.

In moments a crowd of men lined up to touch my delicate hand. Every time they would crest my palm I would feel nothing. After every one I would order me another glass of whatever the bartender handed me.

Until I was stumbling and having to hold onto David for support.

"I believe it's time for you to be sent to bed. The golden moon will be here for the next few days leading up to your coronation." David said as he grabbed the drink in my hand.

However I noticed Jamie walking up the stairs and disappearing into the large hallway.

"Yes indeed. I shall bid you both good night." I said while making my way up towards the stairs.

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