Where it all starts

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                     ~Chapter 116~

Charlis POV:
I was called down to the office at 2pm, I have no idea why and I'm hopping this isn't just another joke. Last time Sarah told me to go to the principals office, I went and asked why they called me down and they said they never called me down.

I was supper embarrassed so I'm hoping but also kinda not hoping it's real. I'm probably in trouble for something.

Once I arrived to the office, the front desk person pointed to the principals office. I went inside- what the- what is this a family reunion?

Chase: "you called her here?? This has nothing to do with her??-"

He turned to me

Chase: "not that I don't wanna see you I just-"
Charli: "what is going on?"

Why are his parents here? Please don't tell me they are moving again or something.

Miss Hudson: "please talk some sense into our son. I think you're the only one who can do it"

What? What did he do?

Mister hudson: "he thinks it's a good idea to drop out of high school."

I laughed thinking he was joking-
I slowly turned to chase and he just stood there awkwardly

Charli: "you idiot?! No! No. Nope. You are not dropping out."

What is going on with him?? Why would he wanna drop out?!

Chase: "charli it's gonna be okay-"
Charli: "this isn't about me? It's about you! You need your education!"

He thinks he can just drop out? This is how he becomes homeless.

Chase: "I'm failing every class anyway!"

He was doing great last year?

Charli: "so?? Get a tutor! I will tutor you! Dropping out is not an option. I'm sorry it isn't. I have no idea why you would even want to do that but it isn't an option. I physically will not let you"

Yes. This I a treat.

I walked closer to him and grabbed his hands

Charli: "we are so close okay? Only a bit till graduation. Then you will be done and you'll have your high school diploma."

He will be able to get at least some jobs with that. I thought he wanted a future? A job? He will not get that if he doesn't have a diploma.

Charli: "please don't drop out.  You will regret it for the rest of your life. I want you to succeed."

He nodded slowly

Charli: "if you're not gonna stay for yourself. Stay for me. Please"

I need him to make something of the talents he has, I know deep down he wants to be an artist. He just doesn't think he can do it so he's giving up.

Chase: "okay... yeah... Il stay for you"

I smiled and put my arms around him

Charli: "thank you, and I will tutor you. Whether you want it or not. You cannot fail all your grade 12 classes."
Chase: "thank you"

No problem. Just trying this make sure my boyfriend doesn't fail at life.

His parents came towards me and smiled

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