Everything's changed

682 28 35

~Chapter 65~

Chases POV:
I did it. I told her. I finally told her.

Oh my god I told her??

I need to calm down. Il be fine. 2 things could happen right now, she could leave and she could stop being friends with me or she could say she feels the same and we could be together for real...

I don't think the second option is very likely...

I'm glad I told her though because at least now she knows and I won't have to spend every day wondering if she feels the same as I do. It's out now, and if it works out, great. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out.

I looked at her and she slowly turned around. She looked completely shocked.

Is it too late to take it back-

Charli: "what..."


Chase: "it's always been you Charli. There's never been anyone else and this whole time we've been faking... it's been real for me. I love you, and not the girl you pretend to be. The real you, I love every part of you, the bad and the good. I've been in love with you for 7 years... and I know this might all come as a shock but it's true..."

Her eyes widened and I really couldn't tell what she was thinking

Chase: "please don't bail on us. I think we have something... and I don't know if this whole time it was just in my head but I think you felt it too"

She still looked shocked

Chase: "You've always been my person... please let me be yours..."

She stood there for a second processing everything.

Charli: "I- I gotta- I gotta go. Im sorry."

She quickly turned around and grabbed the door handle

Chase: "charli..."

She twisted it and opened the door. She left the room and closed the door behind her.

Oh my god this is horrible... I should have never told her?! She hates me. She thinks I'm obsessed with her doesn't she?? This is horrible! I got ahead of myself, she's everything to me and I ruined it all because I wanted more. I was greedy, I had what I wanted, I don't know why I felt the need to have more? I hate myself. I hate myself so much.

I liked what we had... she was my best friend and I was hers and now we have nothing...

I'm an idiot for actually thinking we had something more than friendship

I fell on my bed and dug my head into a pillow

Uhh! Why did I have to do that! We could've still been friends but now she hates me!

Tears fell into my pillow and I sobbed for the next 5 minutes

Someone knocked on the door.

Now my parents are gonna come in here and yell at me for not breaking up with Charli. I know it. They'll turn this into some sorta lesson about how I'm obsessed with her.

I stood up and walked to the door, I wiped the tears off my face then opened the door- what-

Chase: "Charli?"

She's back? Why? Did she forget something?

Charli: "I think... I think I might love you too"

My eyes winded and my jaw dropped

What the fuck is happening right now.

Chase: "you what?"

I need to make sure I'm hearing this right?? Because what I heard made no sense whatsoever??

Charli: "the past month I've been lying to myself... I've been telling myself im doing this to make Justin jealous... I told myself this was all fake... but it was never fake. And I knew there was absolutely no way you could feel the same way I do because you said you were in love with someone else. You could never love me? So I pretended this was not real to me, but during this last month you showed me what real love was... and I fell in love with you..."

I have no words.

I'm in shock.


I grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the bedroom. She quickly closed the door behind her and when she faced back to me and I kissed her.

And that moment she kissed me back I felt it, her kiss was real. Not distant, not fake, it was real.

I pulled her closer to me as she brought her hands into my hair.

I never wanted it to end. Ever. I could do this my whole life.

I thought the first time we kissed was the best kiss I'd ever have. I was wrong. Completely. This kiss is the best I've ever had, and the best I ever will have.

This is the moment everything changes.

I don't know what she tastes like, I can't explain it. But it's my new favorite taste.
I gently brushed my finger over her cheek and brought my other hand down from her neck to the curve of her hip.
She was so close to me I thought I could feel her heartbeat against me

At this moment I knew I had everything I ever wanted in my life. Id say my life could end right now and I'd feel complete knowing that the girl I love so deeply loves me back but it wouldn't feel complete if I didn't get an eternity with her. It wouldn't feel complete if I didn't get to see her walk down the aisle. It wouldn't feel complete if I couldn't grow old with her and die with her.

After what felt like forever, our kiss finally ended. We leaned our foreheads against each other and said nothing.
We just smiled

Chase: "I'm gonna marry you some day"

She laughed

Charli: "I'd like to see that day"

I smiled then she quickly kissed my again.

My smile quickly dropped when I remembered something terrible.

I thought nothing could ruin this moment for me but this did. How could I forget...

A second ago I thought I had everything... and now I have nothing...

Oh god?! No! This is horrible! I finally got everything I ever wanted??

Chase: "charli... I'm moving across the country next month..."

Yay! Finally! Only took 65 chapters lol
But just because they're finally together and in love doesn't mean they're not gonna have problems still 😄

Thank you so much for 110k on love affair and 225k on fwb!!!

Word count - 1070

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