Broken promises

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                     ~Chapter 92~
                BROKEN PROMISES

Charlis POV:
He stopped and I looked back at him

Charli: "keep going!"

What is he doing?? I was finally enjoying myself.

Bentley: "are you kidding right now?"

Oh my god he is ruining the moment? Can't he just finish?

Charli: "no I'm not kidding? Keep going!"

He pulled out of me

Charli: "what the fuck is your problem??"

Was he not enjoying it or something?

Bentley: "you just yelled another guys name? What do you mean what the fuck is my problem?! What the fuck is your problem!"

No way did I yell that out loud- oh my god- that is so embarrassing?!

Charli: "just finish and we will talk about this after"

He rolled his eyes and did what I said.
The entire rest of the time I pretended he was Chase, I made sure not to let his name slip this time though.

Once we were done, he zipped up his pants and I pulled up my skirt

Bentley: "so are you gonna talk about this now? I'm a mature way?"
Charli: "okay fine. What do you want to know."

I really don't know how to explain this situation.

Bentley: "I wanna know why you were thinking of someone else while I was making love to you!"

Making love? He bent me over his desk and fucked me, that was not making love.

Charli: "I wasn't thinking of Chase. It was just an accident okay?"

I was thinking of Chase completely.

Charli: "When I was with Chase, we had sex a lot. I guess it was just an instinct for me to say that. It was an accident."
Bentley: "you've never done that before."

That's because before I had nothing to compare the sex with because I forgot how great it could be. But now all I can do is compare and this sex is terrible compared to 2 weeks ago.

Charli: "I know. I don't know why I did it this time. It was an accident I promise."
Bentley: "an accident"

I nodded

Bentley: "oh okay so an accident just like prom was? When you made out with him in the gym? When you let him fuck you in the bathroom? That kind of accident?"


Bentley: "why so quiet Charli?"

The color drained from my face.

Charli: "what- what are you talking about?"
I laughed hesitantly

How- what- how did he find out?! Who told him?! Oh god! How could I let this happen?! Has he known this whole time! That's why he's been so weird!?

Bentley: "oh I think you know exactly what I'm talking about."

Tears formed in my eyes

Charli: "I- I don't know what to say- I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!"
Bentley: "you're sorry you got caught. You're not really sorry."

He's right about that...

Charli: "Bentley you gotta believe me when I say it was a mistake"

It wasn't...

Bentley: "you still love him."


Charli: "Bentley please. I'm sorry!"
Bentley: "admit you still love him!"

I put my face in my hands and shook my head

How did he find out...

I looked back at him and wiped the tears out of my eyes

Charli: "okay! Yes. I still love him. And Il always have love him. He was my first love. But I'm done with him, he's gone. I'm sorry I cheated on you and I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Please forgive me. I'm sorry."
Bentley: "I thought you were different. You know why I picked you out of everyone else? Because I thought you were better then this? I'm great to you! Yet you cheat on me with some high school boy who probably doesn't even care about you?! I thought you were smarter then that."

Doesn't care about me?? He doesn't know what Chase and I had. He can't just say that.

Charli: "we've been dating only a month, and when he came back I didn't know what to do. It was only one night."

He shook his head

Bentley: "and now? You can't tell me you weren't thinking of him. Pretending I was him."
Charli: "I wasn't. I promise you with everything I have that I wasn't"

Maybe I lie too much and that's why all my relationships fail.

Bentley: "I'm willing to forgive you."


Bentley: "under one condition."

I can't believe he actually wants to forgive me? I wouldn't forgive him if he cheated on me then yelled someone else's name.

Charli: "yeah sure anything"
Bentley: "I don't want you to talk to him. Ever again."

Oh trust me i'm way past that. He came here, had sex with me and then left. I don't want to ever see him again.

Charli: "yeah that's easy"

It's not like he's ever gonna come back anyway.

Bentley: "you have to promise."
Charli: "yes I promise"

When I got home my parents told me to go to the convivente store to buy dessert for them.
When I arrived at there it was almost empty. Other then the cashier and 1 or 2 costumers that I could see.

I walked through the aisles and spotted the alcohol section.

I could really use a beer right now. After the day I've had.

But I'm not gonna. It's my day 100. I will stay sober.

I went in the chip bag aisle and it was the type of aisle where you could see the other side. It was double sided.

As I was grabbing a bag of chips someones hand touched mine from the other side-

I flinched at first and whitin a millisecond their hand backed off mines

I knew the feeling.

That's not just any hand- oh my god- oh my god. That was chases hand?? I know it?! I felt the ring that he always wears and I felt his fingers?! I know that was his hand?!

I quickly dropped the chip bags and ran to the other side of the aisle.
Once I got there I looked down the aisle and there was not one person in sight-

What the fuck?

I'm going crazy aren't I.


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