A new day

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                     ~Chapter 85~
                       A NEW DAY

Time skip ⏭
3 months later

Charli's POV:

Sarah: "what are you wearing for prom?"

I laughed

Charli: "I will not be going to prom"

No way.

Sarah: "c'mon Charli? It's been 3 months."

That's not why I'm not going.

Sarah: "he's gone and he isn't coming back. You have to move on eventually"

I have moved on. I've dated.

Charli: "I'm actually dating someone right now."

Since... he left. I've dated 4 people and I've broken up with 3 of them because they weren't him. I'm dating someone right now and we've been together for around month but I can't take him to the prom.

Sarah: "great. Take him."
Charli: "I asked him, and he said he can't go"

She rolled her eyes

Sarah: "why not?"

Cant say why. It's personal.

Charli: "I don't know."
Sarah: "well why don't you just go alone"

Because that's depressing. The prom will just make me sad. It's my first prom, junior prom. And I wanted it to be special, and whenever I used to imagine it, I'd imagine it with Chase. And now chase is gone and it's only gonna remind me of what I lost.

Charli: "I don't even have anything to wear."

I still have no stuff. I guess I have a little more stuff but still not much. I took all the money I have from the things I sold and I bought some new stuff, but obviously since I sold the stuff for less then they were worth I couldn't buy as many things.  Chase has been sending me money every week but I don't want his money so every time he does, I send  it back.

Sarah stood up and went in my closet

Sarah: "wow you really do have nothing"

She searched in there for awhile
She's not gonna find anything.

Sarah: "oh my god wear this. What do you mean you don't have anything?"

She pulled out the dress that Chase bought me for my birthday...

Charli: "no"
Sarah: "what do you mean no?? This dress must of cost a fortune! I've never even seen you wear it"

Yeah and I never will wear it. I'm just gonna leave it there untouched for the rest of my life.

Charli: "I'm not going to prom okay?"
Sarah: "is this because of your drinking problem? I swear Il make sure no one spikes the punch or something."

No this has nothing to do with my drinking problem? I'm okay now. I have help. I go to a support group.

Charli: "look, I'm not going. Nothing you say can convince me."

She thinks I can dance? I lost that ability when my parents beat the shit out of me when I came back. I actually had to go to the hospital and tell the doctors that I fell while cheerleading.

I had a fractured collarbone, and two breaks in my arm.

It was not fun.

Sarah: "why are you even dating someone? It's obvious why you don't wanna go. You're not over him."
Charli: "over who? Brad?"

She laughed

Sarah: "you broke up with Brad because you weren't over Chase! So no, not Brad?? Chase. You aren't over Chase and you haven't been for months. So why are you dating someone else again? It's a repetitive cycle with you. Date a guy, compare him to chase, realize he's not chase, then break up with him. You've done it with 3 guys already what makes you think this new guy is different"

Sheesh. Little harsh.

Charli: "for your information, I am over Chase now. I wasn't over him when I dated those other guys. But I'm over him now and I'm with someone else who loves me"

She smiled

Sarah: "and do you love him?"

...maybe I'm not ready for that yet but that's fine. Because it's only been a month. Some people fall in love faster then others. I would say I fall in love fast but that's not true anymore. Not since chase. I know it's only been 3 months since we went out separate ways but I have a feeling it'll take me a long time to fall in love with someone else.

Charli: "I really like him."
Sarah: "okay? But that doesn't matter if your still in love with chase. Are you still in love with chase?"

Uhh can she stop asking so many questions??

Charli: "let's just go to school already"
Sarah: "fine, but prom is tonight. If you aren't gonna wear that dress you'll need to find something else"

I'm not going??
The only reason I invite her over in the morning is because she has a car, I haven't biked to school in the long time. Biking to school alone makes me sad.

We walked down the stairs and left the house. She got in the drivers seat of her car and I got in the passengers. She started the car and started driving to the school

We are gonna be late. Shame because my favourite class is in the morning. Science is my new favourite class.

Once we arrived at the school she parked the car and we both got out.
We quickly walked into the school and went our classes

I walked inside the science class and took a seat at my desk.

I starred at the guy I was dating and smiled. He smiled back.

I think I'm moving on? Is this what it feels like to move on? I hope so. It feels good.

Every other guy I dated after chase felt bad. It felt like I was cheating In a way. But this, this feels real.

Once the class was over I grabbed all my binders and put them in my bag

Mr.Wiburt: "Charli can you please stay behind for a second"

All the students left the class and I walked to the teachers desk

Charli: "of course"
I sat up on his desk

He smiled and put his hand on my thigh.
He grabbed my neck and kissed me

Mr.Wilburt: "I missed you this weekend"
Charli: "I missed you too"

I smiled then kissed him again

Charli really isn't very lucky when it comes to dating
Well, when it comes to anything😭 she's always gotta be a victim of something 😭

N e ways what are we thinking of the new ship. Least Justy musty is outta the picture

Word count - 1068

Dear Diary | Chachaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن