Birthday fun

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  ~Chapter 39~

Chases POV:
I woke up on the bathroom floor with a massive headache

Justin: "finally you're awake Jesus"

I grabbed the toilet and started puking

Justin: "I've been trying to get you sober for the past hour"

Oh. How badly drunk was I? I don't remember anything. Wow.
When did Justin even get here?

Chase: "what did I do? Anything embarrassing?"

I puked again into the toilet

Justin: "well first you told Charli you loved her"

Oh my god?! What??

Justin: "don't worry, she didn't think much of it. She knew you were blackout drunk"

thank God.

Justin: "then you pretended like she was your wife, and you also pretended like she was having your baby"

Oh my lord.

Justin: "then you convinced her to drink, she also got super drunk. Like really really drunk."


Justin: "then you tried to fuck my girlfriend in the bathroom"

What?! No?! I wouldn't do that?? I would've remembered that- he's lying. I wouldn't.

Justin: "unfortunately for you guys, I grabbed you before you could."

Thank god. I would have felt horrible.

Chase: "how do you even know if we were gonna do that? We could've just been going to the bathroom"

He sighed

Justin: "I believe Charlis exact words were "sir, can you please move. I'm trying to have sex in the bathroom"

Oh. Wait she wanted to have sex with me? was she completely blacked out like I was or was she just drunk? Because you still have some control over what you do if you're just drunk.

Chase: "where is she right now?"

I grabbed the toilet and puked again

Justin: "right now, she's currently dancing"

She's still drunk? Why did he grab me and not her??

Justin: "I tried to give her some water but she wouldn't listen and she ran away."

I stood up slowly almost falling over and I walked out of the bathroom stall
I looked in the mirror

Chase: "I'm not looking so good"

I look sick. How much did i drink? I actually cannot remember anything from this entire night

Chase: "what time is it?"
Justin: "4:56am"

Oh god. I'm getting no sleep tonight I guess.
Least we don't have school tomorrow

We walked out of the bathroom and Charli was dancing with her friends

Aw she looks so happy. I'm glad she's having fun.

Justin: "let's get her home"

No but she's having fun, she doesn't even seem that drunk?

Chase: "I think she's fine-"

She started dancing with this random man, who's like 30.

Chase: "yeah let's get her home"

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