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  ~Chapter 96~

Charlis POV:
He's always gonna be a huge part of my life, of course he is and that's why I'm asking him to explain why he is back.

If I could. I would just never talk to him again, but I can't do that. I need closure. Some sort of closure. He will always be in the back of my mind if I don't have these questions answered.

Why did he come back?

Why did he avoid me?

Why didn't he tell me he was back

I need them answered now or never.
It will be easier for me to move on.
Did he come back just to make this harder for me?

Chase: "okay... I understand."

Im glad he does.

Charli: "go on. Explain."

He looked me in the eye and took a paper out of his pocket-
Did he script this or something-

Chase: "this belongs to you"

He handed it to me- oh my god- it's my letter- he got it?? That's so embarrassing

Charli: "I wrote this when I was-"
Chase: "doesn't matter"

He gave it back to me

Chase: "It doesn't matter because it worked. Your letter worked."


Chase: "when you sent the letter, I didn't get to open it. My parents did. I had already been in special therapy for a month by than"

His parents opened this- can this get more embarrassing?

Chase: "my therapist told me and my parents, I wasn't sick, I wasn't crazy or obsessed. I was just in love. That helped with their decision"

What decision?

Chase: "by then, they had already regretted moving. They realized this entire time, they were making things up in their heads. I was never crazy."

Of course he isn't. I don't even understand how his parents could think that.

Chase: "then they read your letter and it was decided. We were moving back. You did it. You're the reason I'm back. You convinced my parents that what we have is real."

I did it- he's back here for me and I can't even date him?
He came back for me...

Chase: "the first night I came back was prom, so I called some people they told me you were going to the prom alone. So I went to your house and asked you. And then you told me you were seeing someone..."

If I had known he was staying I would have ended it...

Chase: "you moved on and you were happy. So I freaked and I told you I was staying one day... I didn't lie technically... because when I knew you moved on from me I knew I could never speak to you again. You were happy and I didn't wanna ruin that, I didn't wanna come back into your life and ruin all the progress you've made... I'm sorry..."

He avoided me so I could move on? Why! Why is he so perfect?! I hate it?!
Why does he wanna make me kiss him every time he says something.

Charli: "so you did this for me? You could've dated me again and we could've gotten back together but you didn't want to because you thought I was happy?"

I hate that I never get to see him again after this...
He is the most selfless person I've ever met.

Chase: "are you happy?"

I looked down at the ground and nodded slowly

Charli: "I am"

He smiled

Chase: "that's all I care about"
Charli: "I'm sorry... i didn't know that I was the one who made you come back... do you regret coming back now..."

He shook his head

Chase: "I hated Kentucky because I was 2 thousand miles away from you. I'm happier knowing I'm closer to you"

I picked up the letter that I sent Chase and began reading it in my head.

I wonder what I even wrote to convince them to come back.

"Dear Chase.
I miss you so much. You've been gone 1 day and I feel like I'm dying. Please come back. Please. I know you had to go but I need you. You're every thing to me, I know I said I hate you but I didn't mean it! Of course I didn't mean it. I love you, I love everything about you. I realize you gotta love you before you can love me but please do it faster. I know you're it for me, Il never find someone else like you. You're my person. I know your parents are making you stay in Kentucky but tell them that im here and tell them that Il love you till they day I die. I'm your person, your soulmate and we are meant for each. Maybe we are only teenagers and maybe we've only known each other for a few months but there's no age limit for love. Please come back to me. I miss you, Il always be waiting for you. 
Love, Charli"

Charli: "I wrote this under a lot of drugs"

I was high on pain killers when I wrote this and yet they decided to move back across the country because of it-

Chase: "you were doing drugs?"
Charli: "no. I was in the hospital. They gave me too many pain killers"

He looked confused then his confusion turned into sadness

Chase: "please don't tell me you-"
Charli: "oh my god no! I didn't hurt myself!"

He thought I'd try to kill myself because he left?

Chase: "thank god. Why were you in the hospital?"
Charli: "I fell during cheerleading."

I gotta stop using the falling excuse.

Chase: "ok... well im glad you're okay now"

Soon enough he won't believe it anymore.

Chase: "ok... welI I explained... and I hope you forgive me one day... goodbye for now..."


Charli: "bye Chase..."

maybe one day we will see eachother again... just not soon..."

He walked to the window and began climbing out 

That's when I remembered bill was in the house.
I will be alone in the house with bill when Chase leaves.

Charli: "wait"

He quickly turned around.

Charli: "Please stay the night..."


We hate 💵💵💵💵

🅱️❗️💸💸 ❌❌❌❌

Anyways again! If I make a spelling error or a dialogue error PLEASE TELL ME

Word count - 1040

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