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~Chapter 55~

Chases POV:
Throughout the rest morning Charli and I acted as if we were a real couple and everyone believed it. Like I said Seeing Charli happy makes me happy. And Charli making Justin jealous makes Charli happy which makes me happy.

Charli ignored my comment before, when I told her I saw the girl I wanted she actually thought there was another girl. Charlis really smart, but I don't understand how she can't see that I'm in love with her. She actually thinks this whole thing has been fake for me? Im not that good of an actor.

The bell rang for lunch and charli and I met up. She grabbed my hand and led me to her friend group where I sat down.

I guess I don't really have friends anymore... All my friends don't like me because I'm "dating" Charli and that apparently breaks bro code. He broke it first... no one punished him for that... they just praised him...

All of Charlis friends were nice to me but I couldn't be their friends because they weren't just nice to me for the sake of being nice they were nice because they were flirting with me

Taylor: "so tell us everything! How did you guys meet?? When did you meet? Was it love at first sight??"

For me it was.

I could tell Charli was nervous with all the lies she had to come up with so I responded for her. None of which were lies

Chase: "we met on a hiking trip and I had never met Charli before, even though we had a lot of mutuals we just never met. So when I got out of the car I saw her and I thought to myself that's the most beautiful women I've ever seen. I couldn't believe my eyes. When I went up to her for the first time I was so nervous and she could tell. Once we started climbing I was so tired so she helped me up, she grabbed my hand and told me to come up but I was too overwhelmed by her touch that I fainted. I was so embarrassed and from there it's history. It was around 3 months ago and yeah it was love at first sight."

Charli looked at me and smiled and all the girls were heart eyed

I knew Charli thought I made the story up but not one bit of it was a lie and If she really thought about she'd see that.

Charli sat on my lap and swang her arms over my head

Charli: "that was so sweet"

She grabbed my face and kissed me lightly

I could feel how distant her kisses were compared to mine and even though they all looked the same on the outsdie, mine were more meaningful

Grace: "aww you guys"

Charli smiled at me and I blushed cause she is so hot.

I brought my arms around her waist and for the rest of lunch we stayed like that
I never ate lunch because I never wanted to let go of her

I could feel Justin eyeing me from behind and I knew that he was or else Charli wouldn't be sitting on my lap

Once the bell rang everyone went to class. When I got to math class I didn't feel the need to listen. So I went on my phone and clicked Instagram. Haven't stalked Charli in quite a bit.

When I clicked her account there was a picture of her and I on her feed. Guess that's part of fake dating. Posting it. Looks more real.

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