Love in the air

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~Chapter 71~

Charlis POV:
This felt so right. With Justin it never felt right, I always felt so uncomfortable and I knew that if I asked him to stop he wouldn't. But with Chase he made me feel like his priority wasn't to make it good for him, it was to make it good for me.

And he accomplished that goal because it felt amazing for me. At first it was so painful I was just trying to keep myself from crying but then it slowly became less painful and I could actually enjoy myself.

I waited, and I'm so glad I did because doing this with someone you love makes it feel 10 times better. I just know it.

Our relationship is moving pretty quickly considering we've only been "dating" a month, and we've only been real dating a few hours. But we have everything but time, so frankly I don't care how fast we have to move through this relationship. I want to take advantage of every bit of it before he leaves.

We laid in the back seats of the car for a few more minutes without saying a single word.

I didn't know what to say? What do I say after that?

Chase: "I'm gonna get changed"

I got off of him and he grabbed his clothes off the ground of the car

I can't believe I just lost my virginity in the back of Chases parents car. That's a little bit gross but I couldn't care in the least

Chase: "feel free to stay naked though"

I rolled my eyes and laughed grabbing my clothes from the floor.

We watched each-other get changed and smiled

Charli: "what are we gonna do when you leave..."

I can't imagine spending one day without him? How could I never see him again after this month?

Chase: "let's just not talk about that..."

Yeah... it's just more minutes of our time being wasted.

Chase: "I'm gonna go throw this out"

I looked up at him and he put the used condom back into the package

Charli: "yeah you do that please"

Once he finished putting his clothes on
He opened the car door

Should I tell him he has sex hair and he has lipstick all over his face?

Nah. He's fine.

He walked into the motel, im assuming to find a garbage.

I looked up at the car ceiling with a smile on my face

I am no longer a virgin.

That's a little crazy? Never thought that would actually happen.

But here I am, losing my virginity to Justin's ex best friend who I accidentally fell in love with. Sounds like some book plot.

Chase came back and he had a blanket and a pillow in his hand

Chase: "I asked for some stuff and they gave it to me since they felt bad we didn't get a room. But they weren't generous enough to give me 2 pillows so we are stuck with one"
Charli: "better then nothing"

He slid into the car and he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror

Chase: "oh my god Charli, I hate you!"

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