What is real love?

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                     ~Chapter 21~

Chases POV:
I shouldn't have said that. Even I feel bad about that. I'm a good person? I don't yell at my friends because I want to steal their girlfriend. I really know nothing about their relationship so I shouldn't be judging. I just couldn't help it... all the jealousy that was building up for months just came out. Do I regret saying it? A bit. Was it true? Yeah. It was all true, everyday I feel horrible and insecure because I wonder why she picks Justin. Why she loves Justin? And I think to myself, maybe it's because she's never experienced real love so she doesn't have anything to compare it with, but she's had to experience real love? With someone? Whether it's her parents, her step dad, any of her family? Or maybe even past boyfriends? She's had to have someone who's given her real love. She knows what to compare her love with Justin with... but she's still with him.

Justin stared at me for a few seconds

Justin: "if I treat her so badly then explain why she hasn't left me"

That's the thing... I can't explain it... because I don't know

Chase: "you wanted and answer to your questions and you got one. No further questions"

The bell for the second period went off and I quickly walked over to art class.
I walked inside the classroom and took a seat at my desk

Once everyone arrived at the class the art teacher asked everyone to take out their projects.

I opened my bags and looked for my sketch book- did I forget it- NO-
Charli- I took this bag and she took mine?? She looks Through my sketch book we're done. She's not gonna be friends with me anymore. Do you even know how many pictures I've drawn of her? Too many to count? She looks through that book and Il look like a creepy stalke-
I didn't bring my sketch book?!
I left it at home thank god! But I did bring my project- my very detailed picture that I drew of her-

I quickly raised my hand and the teacher pointed at me

Teacher: "yes cole?"
Chase: "I think I forgot my project in my locker? May I please go and get it?"

The teacher nodded and I stood up and quickly. I started running down the hallway but I wasn't very fast considering my leg was still hurting

What class does she have right now?
Day 2 second period- English

I ran to the classroom and knocked on the classroom door

The teacher opened the door and the whole class stared at me

This is awkward

Teacher: "yes cole? What can I get for you"

I looked at Charli

Chase: "her"
I pointed at her

Chase: "she has my backpack"

Charli stood up and walked other to me

Chase: "I think we accidentally switched bags"
I laughed Awkwardly

Charli: "oh. Okay. Sorry."

She gave me my bag

I gave her one of my old bags earlier today because she didn't have a bag. So that's why I got confused.

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