Friends or not

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                   ~Chapter 104~

Charlis POV:
I watched him fall into the water and I laughed

He really fell for that? Seriously? The same day I told him I'm not interested whatsoever to be in a relationship?

Ok I kinda feel bad that he believed that. Sucks to be him right.

He came up from the water and shook his head

Chase: "I hate you"
Charli: "I hate you too"

I smiled

Charli: "how deep is the water?"
Chase: "not deep but freezing"

I can deal with freezing

I jumped into the water- oh god this is deeper then I thought it would be-

He said it wasn't deep-
I'm gonna drown. Oh my god I'm gonna drown.

Every time I pulled myself up I just kept going back down, water kept entering my lungs and I couldn't breath
So I start to panic by splashing every where only making it worse for myself

I could feel my lungs filling up with water every time I breathed in. I'm gonna die aren't I

Chase quickly grabbed my waist and pulled me back up

Chase: "oh my god are you okay??"

I began coughing out water and catching my breath. He patted my back and the water came out my lungs

It's about time jeez! I thought I'd die. He could have pulled me up a bit earlier

Chase: "you don't know how to swim do you?"
Charli: "never learned..."

I coughed

Didn't exactly have the best childhood experiences...

Chase: "no one ever taught you?"

I shook my head

No one cared for me, so why would anyone care if I knew how to swim or not?

Charli: "nope"
Chase: "why did you come to a pool then"

He placed me on his lap and rested his hands on my legs

Charli: "you said it wasn't deep!"
Chase: "well it wasn't deep for me? But news flash, I'm 6 inches taller then you"

I'm guess he does make a point

I looked down at his hands on my body and he laughed

Chase: "what the fuck are we doing?"

No idea why we are naked in a pool
together. This is so weird but I kinda like it.

We're just really close friends.

Charli: "it was the dare. I had to do it
Chase: "okay then. I'm not complaining"

He looked down at my body and I whacked him

Charli: "you're so lucky that I'd
drown if I got off of you"
Chase: "looks like your stuck with me. I don't mind that either"

He hugged my waist harder

Charli: "let go"
Chase: "sorry I'm too busy saving your life"

I started shaking because the water was so cold

Chase: "you cold?"

I felt him shaking

Charli: "are you not?"

His teeth started shaking and his lips were getting purple

Chase: "nah I'm good"

He put his fingers in my hair

Charli: "aye"
I slapped his hand off

Charli: "im on your lap. Don't push it"

I've pushed the friends line far enough for him today. I am sitting on top of him naked in a pool. I've never heard of friends who have ever done that.

Chase: "you sure you don't wanna make out? It would be my pleasure"
Charli: "ok that's it. I'm drowning"

I got off of him and let myself sink to the bottom
Before I could, he grabbed me and pulled me back up

Chase: "not so fast"

I sat up on the side of the pool and covered myself.

I think I'm done swimming for today, don't get me wrong it was great but I don't think it's my thing.

Charli: "it's so cold"

I put my clothes back on but I was still freezing.

I watched him swim a couple laps in the pool

He got out of the water and put his clothes back on. Everything except his sweater

He took his sweater and put it on me and as much as I wanted it, I couldn't.

Before I could take it off he picked me up and carried me to the door

Chase: "I know what you're trying to do. You're gonna try to take it off and you're gonna explain to me how unfair it is to me that I have to be cold while you stay warm in my sweater"

That's exactly what I plan on doing

Chase: "too bad you won't get the chance to explain. You're cold. Take it"

Well if he insists.

He carried me to the elevator and pressed the button

Charli: "can you put me down now, I won't take it off"
Chase: "no it's okay"

The elevator door opened and he carried me inside.
He pressed floor 9 and the elevator started going up

Charli: "what time is it?"

He looked at his phone

Chase: "5:36"

Oh we have a long time to kill

Charli: "what are we gonna do up there for 2 hours"
Chase: "make out"

I wacked him again

Charli: "we aren't dating Chase, stop making those comments"
I rolled my eyes and he laughed

Chase: "I was just joking"

The elevator doors opened

Chase: "unless you want to"

I rolled my eyes again and held in my smile

He brought me up to the roof and put me down on the ground

He sat down and I sat next to him

Charli: "are you cold?"
Chase: "kinda. You know what would make me less cold?"

I shook my head before he could even say anything

Charli: "whatever your about to say, no."
Chase: "fine"

I stood up and walked to the edge of the roof

I sat down and dangelled my legs from the side
He took a seat next to me and I smiled

Charli: "thanks for making me feel better today. You've always been here for me no matter what. You're really amazing"

He some how makes me feel like nothings wrong in my life. Every time I'm with him, I forget about everything.

Chase: "You're more amazing"
He put his hand on mine and smiled

Ok good news, I thought about writing and what I was gonna do and and I got a writing idea for a new book so I'm not quitting anymore

I will be posting less but the chapters will be longer, so maybe 2 chapters a week with 2k-3k words?

I'm not sure yet but we will see

Chapters left - 15
Word count - 1070

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