"I need all of the best doctors! I don't care if they live in other country or other continent, I need them here fast!" I yelled into my phone.

"Massimo calmati hai ancora una commozione cerebrale." Enzo tried to calm me down.
(Massimo calm down you still have a concussion.)

"Abbiamo solo 15 ore! Non mi calmerò finché non starà bene." I almost yelled.
(We have only 15 hours! I won't calm down until she's up & fine.)

"Bene! I get it, I know you're doing everything you can but this way - all this yelling will only end you up in bed and then you won't be able to do anything for her." Enzo tried to explain. "You need to be fine and healthy for her!"

I didn't want to listen to him or to anyone, because all I wanted was to do everything and I mean anything I could to wake her up from her unconscious state. But unfortunately Enzo was right, I had to be healthy, I had to be there for her when she would finally wake up.

I sighed deeply as I sat down on the couch that was placed inside the hospital room I was admitted in.

"Fine, I will stop yelling." To this he smiled. "But, you need to make sure everything will be done properly as I said!" He nodded his head and kept smiling while looking at me weirdly.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked in a deep tone.

He shook his head, "Nothing, I just, I just can't believe I'm actually seeing this side of yours."

"Side? What side?" I asked acting clueless even though I kind of knew what he meant.

"I know that you know what I mean." He smirked. "But if you want me to say it out loud, to say that you care for Maya like no other, that you will turn the world upside for her, and that you can do anything...-"

"Alright that's enough." I stopped him. "Now go and make sure they do everything correctly. " Ya I changed the topic because I knew where the topic was going. And yes I was still hesitant to accept the truth.

"Coward!" Said my subconscious mind.

It was 2 a.m. at night, Enzo was sleeping like a little child on the couch placed inside the hospital room I was in, while I was just lying on the bed with my eyes wide open. Sleep was just not coming.

Although all the arrangements were done, all the few good doctors I could arrange from around the world were here some on their way, I was still restless. My mind was not stable, it was only thinking about any other possible way or anything else that I could do to wake her up in next 15 hours.

I turned on the other side and my eyes went towards the door. I sat up in a sitting position. Looking towards Enzo, who was now snoring, I stood up from the bed and started to walk towards the door. Without making too much noise I walked out of the room.

Not many people were outside since we were in a V.I.P section. I saw a nurse sitting behind the desk engaged in her phone. She didn't see me coming which was good thing because I wasn't in a mood of yelling at anyone.

Without being noticed, I slowly made my way towards the elevator and stepped inside it. The elevator got opened just one floor above.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя