"Well, you've met one now," Jimin gets excited learning this new information. "I'm gay too."

"Oh," Is all Jungkook says. "Wow, that's cool. I'm glad I told you of all people then. Sorry, though, that you moved to a town with only one gay person."

Jimin shrugged. "It was my choice. I chose to come here. And romantic love isn't everything. I'm just here for whatever life has to offer."

"Oh, well good," Jungkook huffs out a laugh. "Hey, would you like help moving?"

"That's okay," Jimin shakes his head quickly. "You don't have to, this is extremely boring."

"Well, I'm bored, so I'd rather be bored in company than bored alone," Jungkook shrugs. "Plus we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on. May as well get to know you."

"Oh...okay," Jimin really didn't understand him. Was the taller attracted to him? Is this just how people act in Wyoming? Did he want a friend who was gay? Did he want a lover? Jimin was so confused. "Sure, if you really want to, you can help out."

"Great," They start walking back to the moving truck. "You know, I'm surprised Miss Patty from down the road hasn't already come over with an apple pie. She can sniff a newcomer from a mile away."

"Oh? What would I do with a whole pie?"

"Eat it if you don't want to make a new enemy," Jungkook tells him. He picks up a box. "Here, stack two more on top."

"Okay..." He's over-analyzing everything. Was he showing off? Is this just how he works? He does as his new neighbor asks him. He really doesn't know his intentions...

But he's very away of his muscles flexing as he carries the boxes inside.


Hours go by, moving in and out of the house, with boxes in their hands. Conversations were shared between them, even a few laughs. Jungkook was amazing, he was so kind, and so genuine.

But he was so confusing.

He'd ask questions Jimin couldn't help but overthink, he'd brush past him a little too closely. Jimin started doing the same. He'd intentionally reach for the same box so their hands touched, he'd 'accidentally' bump into him periodically. And Jungkook would see that, and do it more.

...Jimin thinks?

He had no idea, and it was frustrating him.

So he decided he didn't want to bounce around intentions anymore. As Jungkook put a box down on the granite countertop, turning around, Jimin traps him between his arms. He stares at him intently.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Jungkook stutters.

"What are you doing?" Jimin counters. "You're confusing me. Am I being crazy? Are you guys just touchy in Wyoming? Or are you trying to do something Jungkook? Do you simply want a new friend? Do you want me?" He presses closer to Jungkook.

Said male's breath hitches. "I...you..."

"Just tell me what you want," Jimin raises an eyebrow. "It's just you and me, I won't judge you."

"I..." Jungkook takes a deep breath. "I want you."

"Good," And with that, their lips are together, Jimin presses up against the taller, causing him to moan. Jungkook puts his hands on Jimin's shoulders. When Jimin grinds into him, he feels his shoulders getting squeezed. "Get on the counter," He murmurs, and Jungkook immediately does as told.

"W-wait," He barely gets out. Despite his words, he doesn't sound at all ready to stop. "I...you probably already guessed this, but I've never done any of this before. I've never even kissed someone before."

Jimin smirks. "You're so cute. Don't worry Baby, I'm a great teacher. Just follow my lead."

Jungkook shivers with Jimin's words, before kissing him again. Jimin responds immediately, reaching for his shirt, nudging it upwards. The younger gets the message, letting him take the shirt off. Jimin pushes him, so he lays down on the counter, getting on top of him and kissing his neck, biting at the skin.

Jungkook's eyes flutter between open and closed. He turns his head towards the front door. "O-oh," He points. "Jimin, the door..."

Jimin looks in the same direction. "Ah yeah, I forgot about that. Be right back~"

He runs over, closing and locking the door, and dashing right back to his former position. He kisses him one more time before pulling back to look into Jungkook's hooded eyes.

He was beautiful like this. Sweat glistened off his forehead, getting his hair wet. His face was flushed, his breath heavy. Wow.

Back in LA...Jimin stopped caring. He got bored of trying, so he really just took any semi-attractive man that came his way. But this? This was new, it was exciting! This was with a man Jimin could already tell was amazing.

He kissed his bare chest, his own getting warm against his will. He didn't want to gain feelings for Jungkook, because he doubts he wants anything else. He likes what they're doing now. That's enough.

"I'll be gentle with you since it's your first time," He whispers. "We're gonna have some fun, hm?"

"Yeah," His voice is breathy. As Jimin grinds against him again, he bucks his hips up. "Sorry."

"No, don't be sorry," Jimin chuckles. "Just give into your instincts Baby. Come loose."

Jungkook stares at him for a second before pulling the shorter down and connecting their lips together. Jimin made a sound of delight. Moving really seemed like the right decision.  

Jikook Oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now