"You mean as a serpent" fangs says

"Kevin I was raised as a serpent so was fangs and sweet pea" Toni says

"I know I know I'm just concerned for his safety that's all" kev says

After that Archie asks me to stay behind so I walk sweet pea to his bike and Alec went to one of his friends houses

"Who the hell do they think they are saying being a serpent is bad or being raised as a serpent is bad" sweet pea rants as he gets on his bike

"Percival must have gotten to him and convinced him somehow" I say

"Yeah maybe" he grumbles and leans over and kisses me

"I'll see you at home I love you" I say

"I love you too" he says and starts his bike I go back inside and go into the office where jug, Betty, and archie are

"Thanks for hanging behind guys something very very weird is happening in riverdale" archie says

"You mean besides us suddenly developing mutant abilities?" Betty says and I chuckle

"I'm talking about Percival Pickens you heard him he's been going around door to door meeting with everyone in town trying to recruit them your mom my uncle Frank sheriff Keller god knows who else" Archie says

"He's been trying to get me alone to talk to me" I say

"Ever since Percival sensed me in his mind I've been doing some research on heightened psychic abilities you know some people think that mind control is a real thing? Like skill the power of persuasion" Jug head says

"But persuading people to do what?" Betty asks

"Whatever he wants" I say

"But what does Percival want with riverdale?" Betty asks

"His family was one of the original settlers of the town maybe he feels he has claim to it" jug says

"Whatever it is it's not good" I say

"Jug if he really made your friend doc attack kev what's to say he didn't compel the people of sketch alley to up and leave the same way? I mean if he really can control peoples thoughts and actions-" Archie starts

"Yeah he needs to be stopped classic super hero narrative ok Betty Avery can we throw this guy I. Jail? Your the fbi" Jug asks

"Mmm I wish" I say

"Yeah but not if we can prove he's breaking any laws" Betty says

"Alright then Archie you are invulnerable let's beat this guy up break every bone in his body" jug says

"I can't do that jug I'd be just as bad as he is" Archie says

"Oh you mean how like when you caused the serpent war?" I ask him and roll my eyes

"That was different" Archie says

"How because your not the one cleaning it up? If Percival can really control minds the serpents will be disbanded and they are my family Archie" I say to him

"Ok back on topic we tried both of those things with hiram repeatedly there temporary solutions at best" Betty says

"Percival is going around recruiting people for whatever big play he's got what if we do the same thing we go to our friends the people we trust make sure that he's not turning them to his side" Archie says

"In the short term it will stop Percival from amassing to much power too quickly" Jughead says

"We'd be concerned citizens talking to our neighbors" Betty says

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