95: Kidnapping

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"I told you that its nothing" I said while walked out of the hospital with Mikey. He was walking behind me as I go backwards, facing him.

"Yeah, yeah, the doctor said its gonna get worse if you don't rest, so there's no fight for you tomorrow" he said putting his hands into his pocket.

"What? No! The doctor said its just some small veins, got smashed under my skin, that's why is black...it's just some blood under the skin, I'm gonna be just fine in a couple of days"

"Yeah, you can't fight until you're just fine" he repeated and walked faster, passing by me and heading out. And I ran after him.
"I wanna fight"

"No, don't say anything or I'll dump you"
"What????!!!" he stopped in the middle of the parking lot, turned around to face me,
"I'll break up with you if you don't value your life, I can't have you dying on me"
"Ok" I agreed, dropped my head down and walked to his bike.

"I'm just thinking about your health" he came after me.
"Stop threaten me with our relationship!" I mutter without facing him. He warped his arms around me and pulled me into an hug while I still had my back towards him.
"That's cause I know you love me and doesn't want to break up with me"

We stood in that position for a couple of minutes before I pulled myself out of his arms and faced him.
"Please don't do that again" I said pouting. He patted my hair and nodded in agreement.

Then we went home and he changed into Toman's uniform as I stood there and watched.
"Can I come to the meeting at least?"
"Yeah sure..."
So we ride his motorcycle to Musashi Shrine along with Ken. It was 2am and a little chilly outside.

But when we were near the Shrine, you could see a lot of motorcycle parked next to each other in the parking lot down the stairs.
We stopped there and went up, Mikey at the centre while me and Ken following him. Everyone bowed to him as we walked through the crowd to the next staircase.

Mikey went up along with Ken, and decided to stand next to Mitsuya and the others. But I couldn't find him, "what the fuck! He's always the first one here!" I whispered to myself.

"The emergency meeting of Toman vs Tenjiku starts now" Ken screamed as always to start the meeting.
Then Takemichi and first division vice along with Seishu start explaining the situation.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket to call Mitsuya and ask him where the fuck he's at, but he didn't answered me. Then I called him again and as I was waiting for him to answer the phone when I saw Hakkai.

"They will use dirty tricks" Ken said with a loud voice.
"Then Toman must do the same, fuck them up with dirty tricks" Hakkai walking towards the front of the crowd while talking in a furious tone and having a extremely scary expression on.

"Hakkai..." i whispered to myself again. He reached where I was standing and stopped next to me. He was looking up at Mikey, "on the way here...Taka-chan got attacked! Smiley-kun too" he explained.

He start screaming on top of his lounge about how they attacked Mitsuya and Smiley, and that they are unconscious, lying in the hospital.

He was furious and you could see his veins popping out in his forehead. He screamed about how first division captain are injured, second and fourth division are in a hospital, third division is absent and fifth division captain turned out a traitor.

"At this rate Toman will lose" he yelled and everyone was silent listening to him. He suggested to use weapons in the fight against Tenjiku and some of members start shutting their agreement about using weapons and playing dirty like Tenjiku.

I was ready to kick Hakkai's ass to shut him up, and in hope of him cooling his head, but suddenly Pah-yan showed up, he reminded everyone why Peh is behind the bar and that he doesn't like to fight like an coward.

My family (Tokyo Revengers | Mikey x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon