81: Pep talk

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I went into her bedroom, at first I thought she's sleep, but I heard she was saying something while she breathing heavily like she has been running a marathon or something. I went closer to her, sit next to her on the bed and brushed her hair away to look at her face. She was sleep but she was humming something to herself.

"She must be having some kind of dream" i whispered to myself. Her brows was knit together and her lips was slightly moving. I lean closer to listen to what she was saying when she suddenly jumped from her sleep, headbutting me. She then lean back on her arms and look at me, "what happened?" she asked with a low voice. Her eyes were rounded and her mouth half open.

"Nothing, you were having a nightmare, I guess. Are you ok?" she nodded her head, but suddenly her nose start bleeding. "shit!" I help her sit up.
She wiped her blood with her fingers and take a look at them, "oh, I'm bleeding"
"Pfft...no shit Sherlock!" I smiled, took a tissue from nightstand and help her wipe the blood off.

After a couple of minutes bleeding, it finally stopped. Her nose was red as a tomato. I touched her nose, "is it painful?" she nodded with her watery eyes.
"I'm so sorry"
"It's ok" she sit up an look at me.
"Did you had a nightmare?" She nodded as a yes as tears flowing down her face. Her pretty eyes were staring at me, I opened my arms for her, asking if she wants a hug, she nodded again and dragged herself closer to me an hide her face in my chest.

After some time she stopped her crying, and backed away a little. I helped her lay down again and brushed her hair behind her ear.
"I don't remember what my nightmare was"
"It's ok, don't think about it"
"What were you doing?"
"I was gonna sleep when I saw you having a nightmare"
"Did others went home?"
"Not all, Ken's sleep here in the living room"
"Oh, you should sleep too" she patted on the bed beside her. I smile and crossed over to that side and lay down, facing the ceiling.

"Sayuri..." I called her name, she rolled up on her arm and look at me. "What's it? You calling me by name means something serious is up"
"Nah, I just wanted to tell you that, if you wanna talk I'm here for you"
"Talk about what?"
"Anything" she lay back down, the same position as me. Then she took a deep breath, "you know, I'm actually struggling"
"With what?" I rolled to my side so I could see her face.

"With everything, there's a thought in my head, or I should say a voice?! And it's bothering me with everything I do"
"How so?" she was staring at the ceiling while she was explaining.
"I know it's normal for everyone to have voice in their head telling the good from evil, showing the right path. But the voice I'm talking about is different. It talk negatively about everything, for example when I'm with my friends and having fun, it tells me that I don't deserve it! Or it even tells me that I don't deserve to live" she turned her head towards me, her eyes were red, ready to cry. Mitsuya was right, she's thinking she doesn't deserve to live!

"Why would you think something like that? Everyone deserve to live!"
"Not when you let your friend, your family dies, right in front of you!"
"If we go after that logic, I'm the one who deserves to die the most! Cause it's my responsibility to protect you guys"
"No! It's not you responsibility!" she turned to her side too, looking at me with her cute eyes. Her face was inches away from mine. I reached out my hand and patted her cheek.

"Same for you! You're not responsible for Baji's dead!"
"But it's so unfair..." her tears start dripping down her face to the side and into the pillow. "What did I do to deserve this!" her breath got stuck in her throat and came out like a whimper. I moved my hand on her cheek and wiped her tears away with my thumb.

"You didn't do anything wrong, and I'm sure you deserve the world babe" she pushed her lips downward and look at me with her red and watery eyes. "I don't want the world Mikey, I want my family, my friends. I want Kei back" then tears dropped down from her eyes again. I hold her arm an dragged her closer to me, putting her head next to my chest and hugged her. She cried in my arms, making me tear up.

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