03: My old life

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I wake up early and pack my bag, then go to kitchen to make breakfast as an apology to my dad. After I made some toast, eggs, and bacon, I called him. But he didn't answer. I opened his bedroom's door but didn't find him there. I called his phone, but it went straight to voicemail. I checked the closet, and his clothes wasn't there either. "Don't tell me he left without telling me?" I ask myself as I sat on the bed trembling. I tried to control my breathing. He did leave me. "Huh... hahahh, don't cry" my tears falling.

"I'm not going to cry for this. I'm strong... it was my decision after all". I wiped my tears and tried to think positive. "Maybe he had something urgent came up and he had to leave without telling me! Yeah, maybe he isn't against us moving back to grandma? And he needs his clothes...huh"
I was about to leave the room when I noticed a note on the nightstand. It was a letter from dad, he wrote about how sorry he's for not being the father I deserve and ask me to live the life I want, the life my mom would be proud of me. "What the actual fuck? He left me alone?"
How could he do that to his 14 years old daughter? "Huh ... breathe..." my knee gave up on me and I felt on the bedroom's floor, crying. "What did I ever done to deserve this?" My tears won't stop.

I heard my phone calling from the kitchen, but I couldn't get up. It's like I don't feel anything, don't feel my body. It was like time stopped and my body freeze in time.
I don't know how long I was like that, but eventually I got up and leave that DAMN place to airport. I think the thought of me getting back to my old life, old friends and my precious, adorable grandma, gave me motivation to live.
I got on the plane and left that sorry ass life for good. It's a new life
no no no
I don't like new thing
It's my old life
Everything is good when it's old

My family (Tokyo Revengers | Mikey x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora