43: Fight

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Then we arrived at the parking lot, there were 100 of Moebius members and four of Toman's, Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya and Takemichi. Draken seems in a bad shape, and I saw Emma standing back on our side.
"Infighting's not really my thing" Mucho said,
"but we're going up against Moebius, then I can go all out" Smiley was smiling.
"Which means tonight's the big showdown" Baji add while tying up his hair.

"You guys..." Mikey smiled at our direction. I was standing next to Baji and had my Toman's uniform on. Our guys were getting ready to fight.
"Peh you're going down first" Mucho yelled.
"Who wants to die first?"
"We brought all Toman with us you motherfuckers"
Peh was freaking out, "now things are getting interesting" the guy with tattoos on his hands said, patting Peh's head.

With Mikey screaming "let's do this..." fight began. I pulled out my extension rod while running and opened it into one of Moebius guy. He went backwards then I hit him on the shoulder with the rod. Five guys come at me at the same time. I swing the rod, and hit three of them in a second, then slammed the rod into the ground, hold it with two hands and get myself up from the ground and hit the two others with my feet.
"Holy shit Sam, didn't know you could do acrobatic moves" Baji said with a cheerful voice.
"I swear you're this happy only when you're fighting!" Then he laughed out loud like a maniac while going up on a car, then jumping on two of Moebius guys.
"What're you doing standing around? You wussing out already?" Baji asked Moebius.
I heard Mikey calling out to Peh, "PEH..." running at him.
"Mikey..." Peh yelled back. Some of Moebius members come to Mikey and tried to take him down, but he squish them like a bug. He yelled at Peh again, "why'd you attack Ken-chin? You know we came to an understanding, don't you? Don't use Moebius to fight dirty with us!!!"
"You guys can't just come to an understanding! I won't accept it"
"We're done arguing over Pah-chin, it's over!"
"It's not over!!"

I could still hear them over others fighting, Peh was still yelling bullshit. I took down a lot of Moebius with my rod until I hit a guy who didn't budge with a metal rod! He was big, twice my size, and was like a bodybuilder. He grabbed the rod and bends it with his bare hands.
"Shit! you're a fucking monster! My poor rod!"
"Shut up pipsqueak, can you even fight?" he asked, throw a punch at me. I dodged the punch, went back a few steps and ran towards him, jumped and locked my feet around his neck and pulled him down, then start punching his face nonstop. When I saw he went unconscious I let him go and stood up.
"shit that pretty guy took down our biggest member!" One o Moebius said, looking terrified.
"Was he your strongest? Pppfff...you guys are fucked!"
Then the guy with tattoos on his hands came forward, "fuck! most of Toman are monsters! How did you manage to take down a guy twice your size?! Wanna join our gang?"
"Fuck off you freak!"
"Wow, you even sound cute! Are you seriously a guy" he then ran towards me and throw a punch, I dodged. Then he did it again, he didn't give me time to attack. He was attacking and I was dodging, going backwards.
"Would you take the punch already?" I dodged the last punch by sitting down, then jumping and hitting him in the jaw with a uppercut punch. He went backwards and hold his face with his hand, "fuck, that hurts..."
"That was the purpose!"
"Stop copying me Sam!" I could hear Baji screaming.

In the middle of the battle I heard Takemichi too, he was yelling Ken's name. Then Mikey asked him what happened, "Draken-kun have been stabbed!" he yelled.
I stopped for a second, and the tattooed guy used the opening and punch me in the ear. I tried not to fall, but his punch was so strong that he send me a couple of meters flying. I put my and on the ground for support and stopped myself then stood up. The guy was already on Mikey, fighting him, and stop him from going to Ken.
I ran to Ken and Takemichi. Takemichi was sitting on the ground near Ken, freezing in shock. I sat down beside Ken, check his pulse and look at Takemichi, "don't freak out, he's alive" I take out my jacket and tied it around Ken's waist while my hand was shaking.
I saw some Moebius coming at us, "Takemichi please take him to the hospital, I'll stop them" pointing at incoming. Then I start punching those who came close.
"Takemichi..." Mikey yelled.
"he's still alive, Mikey-kun " Takemichi reassured Mikey.
"Take care of Ken-chin for me Takemichi..." Mikey screamed again.
Takemichi put Ken on his back and ran towards the street near the parking lot.

There were two guys tried to follow him, i run to them, jumped and hit one with my knee, hold into his shoulder and used his back as a footing, jumped to the other one and hit him in the face, then I landed on the ground with my fist in that guy's face.
I was out of breath, but it wasn't the problem, the problem was my t-shirt getting see through cause of rain, the jacket was kind of covering me, but now you could see my covered chest.
"Should I take their clothes? Nah, ewww, I rather die!" I told myself.
I was still sitting there on one knee next to the last guy I punched, thinking what the fuck should I do, when I felt clothe on my shoulders. I look up and saw Mitsuya lending me his sleeveless hoodie.
"god, your my saviour!" I look at him.
"Not mention it..." he said while reached out his hand for me, I took his hand and stood up. Then there were ten guys approaching us.
"Think you can continue?"
"What? You insulting me? I just got started!" and I run to those guys punch one on the face, dodged him and punched again.
We fight for some more minutes until all Moebius were down and we were exhausted.
"maaan...that was hell" Mitsuya said, exhausted.
"Yo! We're all done over here" smiling and Mucho came towards us while Mucho holding on to Smiley.
"Think this guy's leg is broken"
"He must have kick somebody" I said laughing. They look at me.
"shit you still got energy after all this to laugh?" Mitsuya said, sitting on the ground. "He's a little monster" Baji laughed. "Monster calling a monster, monster" I told Baji.
"Where's Mikey?"
"Over there" Mikey were still standing, he was talking to the tattooed guy. Then we heard police's siren.
"Lets get to the hospital, we've to check on Draken" Mitsuya said, standing up.

"I'll get Mikey " I said and ran to him. Others fly away with their bikes.
"Commander? time to go" I stand behind him, and looking straight into the tattooed guy. His ride came too and told him to get on his bike.
"Mikey! The strongest biker-gang alliance in Kanto region is about to form, VALHALLA!" he screamed, "I'm Valhalla's founding vice leader, don't forget it Mikey...from now on Toman will not know peace." then he sat on the bike, "and you little monster, I'll kick your ass next time, along with your Commander's ass" I flipped him off, while they drove away.
Then Mikey ran to his bike, and I followed.

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