18: Underground fight are stupid

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Today I wear the same clothes for school again, my uniform with a black jacket and legging. Mikey won't give me a ride to school any more, because of my safety.

He doesn't want anyone see me interacting with a gang leader. Baji on the other hand doesn't wake up early! Hinata go to school with her boyfriend and Aki with his brother. So I have to go to school by myself, all alone. I don't understand why, but I'm always late!

When I arrived it was half an hour late, I got scold with my homeroom teacher, and got a detention. He ask me to stay after school and force me to clean the classroom alone, because apparently I'm his worst beheived student! "Good grads alone isn't good enough miss Nagami!" he said before he leave me in the empty classroom.

I finished as fast as I could and decided to get a ice cream, cheers to my loneliness. The ice cream shop was in the other side of a park near school, so you could go through the park straight to the shop. While I was walking I heard a crowd cheering and screaming, it was a fight.
And my curious ass went in that direction instead of ice cream. I saw Takuya, Takemichi's friend in the middle of crowd. It was some kind of underground fight. This must be it, the reason why Takemichi and his friends are beaten up every day.

The fight was about to start when Takemichi screamed "wait...", the crowd looked at him while swearing at him. "Ain't it really boring having the same type of fight every single time?" Takemichi said with a confidence look on his face, while holding his hands behind his head and going down the stairs.
I was standing on top of stairs, in the back and had my hoodie on. I don't know if he's crazy or brave, I thought to myself. "Don't you wanna watch something more interesting?" he asked. The guy who seems to be the boss of this bully bullshit asked "something more interesting?" and exhaled the smoke out. "The king vs. slave...Kiyomasa sempai...lets have a one-on-one fight" Takemichi said, smiling.
Then Takemichi reached end of stairs and stood in front of Kiyomasa, he looked so determined, "determined to kill himself!" I whispered to myself.
The guy said something and then punched Takemichi black and blue, but Takemichi doesn't stand down. He keep saying that he isn't done yet, and he won't run anymore, and som other bullshit I don't get.

I don't understand what purpose he has, but he's quite determined. I can't stand it anymore, I have to do something or he's gonna die! So I was about to go down stairs and beat that Kiyomasa guy, when someone with a familiar voice butt in, "Oi Kiyomasa, you have drawn quite a crowd!" the crowd went silent, "even though you're the host, you're pretty worked up yourself, aren't you?" Ken said while approaching Takemichi and Kiyomasa with his hand in his pocket and Mikey following him. Mikey was munching on dorayaki, "hey hey, Ken-chin? All my dorayaki is gone".

The crowd bowed to them 90 degree, "president good work!" they shot out. Ken kicked Kiyomasa in the stomach to make him bow even more to Mikey, "when did you became so important Kiyomasa? You're seriously going to greet the president with that shallow bow?".
Mikey ignored all of that and went straight to Takemichi. Takemichi went backwards and he felt down on the ground, "what's your name?" Mikey asked "Takemichi Hanagaki!" Takemichi was scared.
"I see Takemicchi!, are you really a middle schooler?" Mikey asked and crouch down in front of him, " Takemicchi from today onwards, you're my friend?" Takemichi was in shock "Huh...?"

Then Mikey stand up and asked Kiyomasa "are you the one who organised this fighting ring?" and then he kick the shit out of Kiyomasa. "Who the fuck are you?" he said and start walking away, "Underground fight are stupid". "Don't do things to ruin the name of Toman" Ken added and followed Mikey.
"Why's he interested in Takemichi? But Wow! he got even stronger! that's why he's the leader I guess" I said to myself and walked away from the crowd.

My family (Tokyo Revengers | Mikey x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu