83: 'peaceful' day!

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"Whatever happens in the past between you and Tetta Kisaki...that's the key to solving my sister's death!" Naoto hold out his hand to me to shake. I nodded and accept the handshake...
End of Takemichi's pov

It has been a week since the last encounter with that man, and those yakuza doesn't bothered me anymore. My life has been quiet and nice, the way I always want it to be. My grandma came back from vacation and she's the happiest version I've seen since I came back to Tokyo. I guess she had a lot of fun with her sister this last two weeks.

She sent Mikey back to his house the same day she came back. It was a funny show after she found out Mikey have been sleeping in my room. She said it isn't appropriated for us two to sleep together, even though we're dating.

I explained that we just sleep together without having done anything inappropriate, cause I believe that there's an order to things. And Mikey know my thoughts and respect them completely. I mean we're still kids, and I believe we should be intimate on that level after we're of age.

I was currently lying down on my bed while Ed lying on top of my stomach, closing his eyes. It was Saturday, I woke up late, and Ma wasn't home. She left me a note about going to Baji's family to give them her condolences. And Mikey didn't called me since yesterday, so I have no idea what's he up to.

"haaaa..." I took a deep breath. I opened the window after I woke up, so the air would circulate inside my room. It was cold outside but since it was in the middle of day, sun was shining inside, over us two.
"It's so peaceful, right Ed?"

Then suddenly my phone start ringing. I sit up, take a look at the phone's screen. "See what you've done Ed! You jinxed our peaceful day! It's Ken" I pressed ok.
"Yo Ken, what's up?"
"Hey, it's an admin meeting today, come to that abandoned building I took you one time"
"Oh, but it's admin meeting bruh, why should I be there? Beside I don't wanna see those bastards faces, you know who I'm talking about"
"You're officially one of admins, Mikey told me to call you"
"Why isn't he calling me himself?"
"He told me he's mad at you for some reason"
"What? What reason?"
"How would I know! Be there in half an hour"
"Ugh, he's so frustrating!" I seriously jinxed my peaceful day.


I heard them talking about Hakkai being the little brother of Black Dragon's leader before I go in. After I entered the room, Mikey was the first one I saw, he was sitting on a pile of iron, wearing his gang's uniform. Ken was sitting next to him with a little distance, then there was a bunch of old armchair where Smiley, Kisaki and Hanma was sitting. Mitsuya was sitting on the pile of iron pipes on the other side of the room while Chifuyu was standing in the middle of the room explaining the situation to others.

"What the fuck are you doing here shrimp?" Hanma was the first one to talk. But I ignored his ass while going to Ken.
"She's an admin from today onwards"
"What kind of post?"
"She's the third in command" Mikey announced, everyone looking at him. I was speechless, how did I gain that position without actually doing anything!

"I was gonna give her the first division captain position but she refused" he added. And what make you think I'll accept this one, was what I wanted to ask but I didn't wanted to argue with him in front of everyone.

"We got all the admins here?" Ken asked, crossing his arms.
"Enter!" Mikey announced. Then Takemichi and Hakkai came inside. I didn't had the slightest idea about what's happening, but Takemichi was beaten up pretty badly.
"As you all know, four days ago Takemichi was beaten up by the head of the Black Dragons..." what? I didn't know! I have been busy with my own problems that I wasn't paying attention to my friends, I'm the worst!

"...this is a declaration of war by the Black Dragons" he had such a dark and cold look on his face that sent chills down my spine. Then everyone start saying their opinion on the matter and attacking Hakkai about why he's been hiding the truth.
Things got serious and Hakkai asked Mikey to give him permission to leave the gang.

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