56: Party

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I went to Baji's place and knock on the door hoping he'll answer the door and apologise about not turn back my text or calls! Those nightmare are on my head all the time, and it makes me sick to my stomach. I am so worried about him, I'm gonna throw up. But I decided not to tell him about nightmares anymore, so he wouldn't be worried.
His mom opens the door and told me he isn't home. She said there's something off about him this days, he isn't his funny, usual self and he's busy thinking! He never thinks!

"Now I'm even more worried" I whispered to myself when I was about to go down the stairs.
"Me too, I'm also worried about him"
"aaaaahhhh... you scared the shit out of me idiot!" I yelled putting my hand on my chest.
It was Chifuyu siting on the stairs which was leading up. He definitely was waiting for Baji there.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you!"
"Is he ghosting you too?"
"Yeah, that son of a...he's been ignoring me for two days!"
"Oh, you don't know what he's up to?"
"I heard from some Toman's member that he has beaten up some of our members and some others people! I think he's investigating something, but I don't know what"
"Investigating? Then why's he avoiding his friends!"
"Isn't it how he's? Trying to shoulder everything himself!"
"Ugh...I'm so sick and tired of this! Both him and Mikey are the same!" I sit down on the stairs next to Chifuyu.

"I didn't expect him to ignore you of all people!"
"Huh...that makes two of us! I thought we're close and there isn't any secret between us. I guess I was wrong"
"Don't think like that, maybe he doing this to protect us, especially you."
"I don't know how weak I look like for everyone, cause all they do is trying to protect me!"
"That's obviously cause they love you, you know"
"Love isn't like that in my dictionary! I thought love is supposed to be about sharing painful and happy things together"
"Not necessarily, there isn't any fixed explanation for love. I think it depends on person how they express their feelings. And I'm sure Baji-kun's way of showing love is very different than other people."

"You're so right Chifuyu! I also don't want my friends to get in any trouble" I look at him.
"Yeah, same"
"But even though I know what his motives are, I can't just ignore him and let him take all that by himself"
"Yeah, me too" he sighed and pushed back his blonde hair.
"What should we do then? I really have a bad feeling about all of this" I asked him
"I don't know! I think I'm gonna go around checking some places I know he'll go. Then I'll tell you if I find him, yeah?"
"Ok, I'll text you too if I get a hold of him"
Then we parts way after that.
A couple of days went by and and Ken was released from hospital. Me and Emma decided to throw a party for him. So we prepared everything and called everyone over to my place. Emma made a lot of food, I bought sweets and other stuff.
Mikey get Ken, Chifuyu finally get a hold of Baji and promised me to bring him to the party. I invited Mitsuya and his little sisters, along with Kawata brothers. And I invited Takemichi, Hinata and Aki.

It was afternoon and everyone was coming one after another. Mikey and Ken came first, then Mitsuya and his sisters came. I opened the door and was attacked by two small devils.
"Luna, Mana! Didn't I tell you to behave?" Mitsuya said while trying to pulled them off of me.
"Hi! I'm Mana"
"And I'm Luna" those too were like two small energy ball, holding to my hands and introduce themselves.
I smile and sit in front of them, "hi, I'm Sam"
"Hey, Mitsuya-kun" and I take a look at Mitsuya.
"Are you a boy or a girl?" Luna asked
"What do you think?"
"I think you're a girl cause you're cute, but isn't your name like a guy? And you have short hair!" Mana answered instead.
"Actually my real name is Sayuri, Sam is my nickname" I smiled at them.

"My brother never take us to a party with his friends"
"I knew he has two cute and pretty sister so I asked him to bring you guys along. Lets go inside, there's a ton of food need to be eaten." I stood up take a look at Mitsuya and hold his sisters hands and bring them into the living room.
"Is it your birthday Yuri-san?" Luna asked me, give my hand a squeeze to get my attention.
"No, it's this guy's birthday" i pointed at Ken.
They sat down and everyone were talking and enjoying themselves, when there was knock on the door again.

I opened the door, and saw Baji came with Chifuyu. "Hey Chifuyu, come in" I left the door open, and came inside first. I ignored Baji completely, cause I was so mad at him. He's been ignoring me for five days and he's been on my mind all week cause those nightmares. I didn't had nightmares again after I slept with Mikey's help the other day but I remember this two times I seen him die in front of my face every time I close my eyes.
"Ouch...I've been ignored Chifuyu"
"You deserve it man..."
They came inside, and the mood changed for the worst. Baji have been making trouble for Toman this past three days and have been ignoring everyone of us, even Mikey.

"Congrats on getting better man" Baji went to Ken and asked for a hug. Mikey also ignored him and stood up and went to the kitchen. I guess he doesn't want to ruin the mood with Mitsuya's sisters being around.
I was gonna join him to ask if he's ok when doorbell rings again.
It was Aki along with Hinata, Takemichi and his friends. I invited them inside and was about to go to the kitchen, then I saw Mikey and Baji talking there so I just let them be.
Their conversation went on for some time, then I saw Baji stormed out of kitchen, going for the door. I jumped and ran to catch up to him. He was about to start his motorcycle when I got to the door.

"STOP..." I yelled. He turned around and looked at me.
"I thought you gonna ignore me today" he smirked.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Keisuke? What the fuck is wrong with? Why are you avoiding me, ha?"
"Nothing! I just don't have time, gotta go"
"Wait...Kei please! Can you just stop it?"
"Stop what?"
"Stop what you're doing"
"I don't know what you're talking about"
I didn't know what he's up to, I'm not sure why I have this bad feelings all week, and those nightmares. I didn't say anything, just hold the eye contact. He sighed at looked away.
"Go inside" I hold his wrist, "Kei, lets talk huh?"
"I don't have anything to say to you and I don't wanna fucking hear you either"
"I'm worried about you"
"That sounds fake! Just don't think about me like all those time you weren't here"
"Why are you being mean to me again?"
"Am I wrong? You're just worried about yourself, you're self-centered and have a stupid selfish ass. You're worried you would be alone if others leave. That's why you're like this, cause I ignored your ass" I was speechless, looking at him with watery eyes and my mouth half open. I couldn't even get a word out. He's wrong, I was genuinely worried. Not just cause I was lonely!

He looked mad, his eyebrows were knitted together and his eyes were dark and cold without any emotion.
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying not to cry. "That's not fair" I said with a shaking voice.
He pulled his hands, start his bike and drove off. I stood there for a couple of second, wiped my tears away and went inside. Chifuyu was standing there near the door, I take a look at him. He must have heard everything, but he didn't say a word. So I passed by him and went inside.
Party went great, Luna and Mana were the centre of the party with their cuteness.
But under all that light, happiness and laughter I couldn't stop thinking and worrying about him.

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