47: Sick

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Ken was sleep when we went inside the room, and Mitsuya and Peh were gone. "He's sleeping!" Mikey whispered.
"Duh...he's sick, you know, he have to sleep" i whispered back.
"You wanna wait outside then?"
"Yeah, wait..." I said and went to Ken's bed. I bend down over his head.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Mikey ran to me and hold my shirt from behind.
"What do you mean?"
"You wanna kiss him like you kissed me or what!"
"WHAT? Nooo idiot! I'm trying to fix his pillow. He's gonna get neck pain if he sleep like this! Now let me go!" I turned to Ken again and saw his eyes open, looking at us with a grin.
"See! you woke him up dumbass" I turned again and look at Mikey without standing up.

"What're you doing to a patient?!" suddenly the nurse was inside and looking at us. Yeah, that nurse!
"Fuck me!"
"Ok..." Mikey answered fast
"Shut up Mikey and let me go so I can stand up" I mumbled to myself.
"Were you attacking him while he's sleep?" she said.
I stood up, take a look at Ken who was holding his laugher, then Mikey who hold his hands in the air, and then I faced the nurse who hate me and have a crush on Ken.
"I'm not... are you writing a novel sis?"
"Anyway, visiting time is over. You should leave and let the patient get his rest. I'm gonna give his medicine now" she said with an attitude and came to Ken's bed and add something in his serum.
"Can someone stay the night with him?" I look at her
"No! Just family"
"We're his family" I saw Ken looking at me with a soft smile.
"Yeah, I'll stay" Mikey said with serious voice.
"How would I know you're family?"
"They're..." Ken answered her questions
"Then just one person can stay" and she left the room.
"I'll stay, you go home take a rest. I'm sure you didn't sleep yesterday. And Emma gonna sleep until tomorrow. You guys can visit him tomorrow." I said looking at Mikey.
"Ok" he agreed and left after telling Ken to get some rest and get better soon, and Ken asking him to visit his place and tell his boss that he's in the hospital.

"You guys were kissing on the rooftop this whole time?!" Ken asked me as soon as Mikey went out.
"No! We weren't!"
"I heard Mikey getting jealous over you fixing my pillow!"
"Yeah, he's delusional"
"Huh...what did you talk about then?"
"He said he isn't capable of protecting everyone, that's why you're on this bed!"
"He's a moron!"
"Tell me about it, he thinks everyone need protection!"
"You're right he isn't responsible to protect us, but he's right about you wanting a protection"
"What do you mean!"
"I mean, you think you're invisible. But if face someone who's stronger then you, you're fucked. You have a lot to lose then a guy, you know!"
"Talking like an old man!"
"I'm actually older then you! And never seen anyone as rude as you, talking to their elders like this!"
"Pppfff.... hahaha"
"Don't laugh! I heard from Mitsuya you fought a guy who stopped Mikey's kick! are you crazy?"
"Oh, for a guy who was napping most of the time yesterday you know a lot!"
"I wasn't napping, besides I kick a bunch of ass before you guys came"
"That freak charged at me first, I couldn't possibly run, right?"
"You can run when someone is stronger then you"
"Why didn't you ran when Peh and Moebius attacked you yesterday?"
"I couldn't, Emma was there too" I look at him speechless.

"What was the guy's name who hit your head?"
"How do you know he hit my head?"
"Mitsuya said you were bleeding from your ear"
"Oh, I think he's name was Hanma from Shit-hala or something!"
He went silent, I guess he's thinking. The room was dark, and there was a light on the wall behind Ken's bed which make the room a little bright.
When did it get so dark anyway! I swear when I talk to my friends time goes by like an arrow, I thought.
Ken was lying on his bed and his arm was by his side. I look at his face, it was full of bruises from yesterday's fight. He catch me staring at him.

"What?" he asked
"Thanks for being alive, please don't leave me alone with Mikey! He's so hard to handle"
"I know right, finally someone knows what I'm enduring everyday!" then we both laughed together.
"You should get some sleep Ken"
"I'm not sleeping, I wanna talk to you more. Sit down" he ordered me while trying to sit up in his bed.
"Hey, lay down dude, we can talk like that too" and I help him lay down again.
"I'll go out buy something to eat and call Ma to tell her I'll stay here for the night, and then come back so we can chill and talk, yeah?"
"Ok, give your grandma my thanks, tell her the food was delicious"

My family (Tokyo Revengers | Mikey x OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin