52: Suspicious people

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There was a black car in front of our house when I arrived there. I was gonna ignore it, so I jumped off of my bike and went to the stairs which leads to the door. But I noticed the front door of that car opens and a big guy with suit came out of the car. I wait on the stairs and turned to face him.
"Who the hell are you?" I asked. He came closer and stood right in front of me, down the stairs.
"You have to come with me" he had a rough voice and a bored expression on his face.

"What? Why the hell should I come with a fucking suspicious people like you?" But he didn't answered me, he came up the stairs and tried to get me. I was some stairs higher then him, so I hold my hand to the wall and the stairs railing and kicked the guy into his shoulder to preventing him from coming any closer. And I partly succeeded, he went backwards and hold his hand on his shoulder like his in pain.
"Huh...you're just like your mother!! Savage" he said with a smirk.
"Shut the hell up, how do you know my mom?"

"You can come with me and find out"
"The hell I'll! You think I'm a kid, so you can kidnap without any effort or trouble? No, big fuck, I know martial arts"
"Your mother must taught you when she was still alive?"
"Shit! How do you know?"
"come with me or your grandma who's inside will die"
"Noooo, What do you want with me?"
The guy took out a gun and pointed at me, I panicked. These guys don't fuck around, they look like yakuza!
"you'll come or I'll kill you then kill that old lady"

I hold my hand in the air as a give up sign, when I heard another guy came out of the car, but this time the driver opened the door for him. He had a black button up shirt on with a black pants, his clothes were plain but looks expensive. His hair and his eyes were black, and his skin was as white as snow, he was young and looked foreign.
He's handsome so he's yakuza for sure, I thought while looking at him.
"Put down your gun, you scaring the little girl, idiot" he said with a raspy voice.
"But boss..."
"Get your ass away from her this instance" he almost yelled.
"Yes sir" the big guy got back to the car, and the boss came closer to the stairs.

"Hi there sweetheart, can you come down the stairs so i can see your pretty face? I won't let anyone touch you, I swear"
"What do you want? You sound like a pervert!"
"huh...I'm not a pervert you brat! Come down here"
"I don't wanna" I was shaking from fear and my mind was blank. What should I do in this situation? Should I call the police? Why're they trying to kidnap me? I thought to myself.
"Itsuki, go in and kill that old hag" he ordered looking at my reaction. And the guy start coming my way again after saying "yes sir"
"Ok, ok... wait...I'll come. Let my grandma be". Then I went down the stairs slowly, and stood in front of him. I was two stairs higher so we were in eye-level. He had a soft smile on his face, like he did a good thing threatening a teenage girl with her family!

I tried to look as calm as I could and have a poker face to hide my fear. And I think I nailed it.
"You look calm even in a situation like this! Aren't you scared?"
"Fuck you!" I look him straight into his eyes.
"Huh...you're rude too! Just like her, calm in dangerous situation and rude to everyone!" I didn't know what he's talking about, but I didn't ask either. Maybe he'll go away if I don't show any interest, was what I thought. He suddenly raised his hand and put it on my cheek. He patted my cheek with his big thumb and smiled.

"You're so white and fluffy, like a marshmallow!"
"Aren't you whiter, mister?"
Then he brushed his hand on my face to my ear and tuck my hair behind it.
"You're pretty"
"Ugh..." I look another way.
"Don't be mad" he moved his head to the side trying to look cute! "Pervert!"
"Don't call me that! I've been in love just one time in my whole life and I lost her, then didn't look at any other woman again!"
"I know a lot of people like you! Perverts who are into little girls not women"
"Hahahaha...you're seriously just like her"
He was laughing holding his hand to the stairs railing.

"Who are you talking about?" my curiosity finally got me.
"Your mom" he stopped laughing and look me in my eyes. How in the world this people know my mom? And I suddenly remembered what Ma said a couple months ago. 'Your mom didn't die in an accident, she was killed by yakuza'. Then I panicked again, my heart start beating like crazy.
The guy was still looking at me, and I think he saw me freaking out.

"Don't be scared, I won't let anyone touch you. You know Kenjutsu right?"
"Yeah, how do you know?"
"Cause I taught your mom myself, and she must taught you. She was a hopeless undercover detective who was used by police to collect information on my father. So I taught her how to defend herself. Kenjutsu is my favourite"
"Are you with yakuza?"
"No! I'm yakuza itself. Hahahaha..."
"No! Did you kill my mom?"
"Oh god...of course not. I loved her with all my heart, why would I kill her? Me and your mom were dating long time ago, before she ran from me and got married" I didn't say anything, waiting for him to continue.
"I'm here just to see you, ok? I'm not gonna kidnap you" He was looking at me when his phone start ringing. He take it out of his pants pocket and look at the screen. He then groaned and look back at me.
"I gotta go, I'll see you again next time" then he reached his hand to me again and pat my hair and he gave me smile before he go.

I stood there for a couple of minutes and look at the black car disappearing into the distance. "What the fuck was all that about?" I whispered to myself. Was my mom seriously dating a yakuza? Was he seriously yekuza or was he trying to scare me? He looked like a handsome rich guy with a bodyguard and a driver. But I don't think rich guys would threaten kids with guns.
Why would my mother's ex-lover come to see me anyway? He definitely know something about my mom's dead. I should ask him more about that next time I saw him, since he said we gonna meet again.
But I hope I never see him again!
Then I came back to my senses and went inside.

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