20: Take care of yourself

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When Baji dropped me off at my place it was around eleven. When I went in the house, and grandma was sitting on the chair near door waiting for me. She jumped with the sound of the door I closed. "Huh...where were you my baby?" she came to me and hug me tight.
"Oh sorry Ma! did I scare you? I was out with Kei" I answered and hug her back. Then she start crying, "oh no grandma!?...I'm really sorry...please don't cry! I'm ok!"
She back off, take a look at me, "what happen to your face? How are you OK?" she almost sounds mad, but she smiled and start going inside. Grandma sit on the sofa in the living room and ask me to sit down by her side. "Look child, there's something I didn't tell you about your mom!" she said with a soft voice while holding my hands in hers. "What things Ma? didn't she died in an accident?" I looked into her eyes.
"You know your mother was an detective right?"
"Yeah! So?"
"she wasn't in an accident! she was murdered on her job...she was investigating a gang" grandma explained with her voice shaking, she was trying to hold back her tears.
"WHAT?..." I screamed in shock and stood up! Grandma was still holding into my hands, so she dragged me down, asking me to sit down again, "I'm telling you this because I'm sure you're mature enough to handle it, and I want you to know that it's dangers to get involve with gangs and gangster! Ok?" she was asking for an answer! But grandma, my friends are on a gang! In fact one of them is the leader! I thought to myself. But I can't tell her this, because if she knew she won't let me meet them. Beside they are different, they're not yakuza! and they aren't involved in some deep shit, right?

So I smiled and looked into her eyes, "grandma, I can take care of myself! beside mom was definitely investigating yakuza when she got in trouble, I mean she hade a dangerous job, right?" she look at me and node in agreement. "I'm an student Ma, I just hung out with my friends" I smiled at her again. "You're right, but I'm scared to lose you too...just promise me you would take care of yourself, ok?" she asked, letting go of my hands and stood up. She didn't wait for an answer, "and there's something I want to show you...could you come with me sweetheart?"

She went to the door which was going to the first floor and open it up with a key. She went inside and I followed behind. There were a lot of stairs, "grandma? wasn't the place under our house the shop you have? I thought the shop is the first floor!"
"Yeah, that's right! But it's not all... first floor was divided into two sections, the shop and your mother's work place!"
"What? Mom hade a work place?...Huh! I didn't know!"
"She didn't want to involve her innocent child into that mess! That's why you didn't know...she mostly worked in her office at police station, but sometimes she would work at home. She had that place for a long time, even before she marries your father"

In the end of stairs there was another door which grandma open with another key, and in the other side was a big room, it was as big as Ma's shop. There was a punching bag hang up from the ceiling, and a big mat on the ground. A big closet with clothes and Kenjutsu equipment. There were also a desk in the corner of the room full of paper, and a sofa stood in the same corner. And there was something covered with fabric near another door, it look like a bike.
"Wow it's a big place!" I said looking around.

"Here was your mom's, now it's yours..." she look me in the eyes, "you can train more here and get stronger but never think you're invisible! You're a butterfly after all!" she was about to cry. I approached her and give her a hug, "I love you Ma...I'll definitely get stronger, and I won't ever leave you" I squeeze her even more. She hug me back, "please take care of yourself my baby..."

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