74: Toman vs Valhalla

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I woke up early, I actually couldn't sleep well. I think I'm nervous for today's fight. Mikey, Ken and Kawata brothers were downstairs all night, i think they slept there. First I checked on them to make sure they're really sleep, then came back upstairs to make breakfast for us, we need energy for the fight. The fight is happening today about two hours from now, in a abandoned car lot.
"wow, I thought you can't make food!" Ken came up to the kitchen and sit by dining table. "It's breakfast!"
"yeah, but it's still food! Thanks Sam" I sit down too.
"are the others still sleep?"
"yeah, it's still early. Did you sleep well?"
"No, I woke up like hundred times!"
"don't be nervous, we gonna win this fight and take Baji Back"
"I hope..."
"You hope what?" it was Mikey asking that, he came to he kitchen and sat down. "wow, I thought you can't cook!"
"oh shut up!"
"pfft..." Ken start laughing.

After breakfast everyone got ready and head out to the meeting place. On our way, other division also joined the crowd and ride together to that place. They said all top gang leaders and top shot in Tokyo are gonna oversee our fight.
We stopped in front one of the car lot's door, waiting for everyone to gather. It was almost time and everyone were ready for the fight when someone yelled from the inside of car lot, "FIGHTERS...make your entrance!!! TOKYO MANJI GANG...VALHALLA!"
Then everyone came in, our guys and Valhalla's. Everyone wearing their uniform and holding their flags. Toman versus Valhalla.

I looked around but couldn't find Baji. Maybe he's in the back, i thought. In any case I'm gonna murder him if he fight Mikey! I rather die then see those two fight.
"both team's representatives step forward!!" Ken and Kazutora came close to that guy. "Five-on-five with your best or an all-out melee with everyone?" he asked.
"Valhalla picked the fight with us, so you decide Kazutora. We just have one condition! To rescue Keisuke Baji. If Toman wins this battle we will take Baji back, that's all there is to it!" Ken announced.
"huh? Baji joined our gang on his own, there's no taking him back now!!"
"fuck you Kazutora" i yelled for him to hear. Mitsuya hold my arm to make me stay in my place. "oh yeahhhh..." I heard someone yelled back but couldn't figure out who he was!

"We're taking Baji back!! That's all there is to it!" Ken said it again, serious look on his face.
"You fuckers think you're hot shit" Kazutora snapped and was about to punch Ken, and the overseer stopped him but he got punched instead. "Daaaamn, what a lame ass!" he said put his hands in his pocket. "conditions? You guys think it's a game? We came here to torture you punks to death!!" he continued as he spins on his feet and turned towards his people and then turn to us again.
"shall we begin , Mikey?" Hanma stated laughing.
"Let's do this Toman" and the fight began.

Everyone start running. I was behind Mitsuya and enemy coming at me, then i saw Kazutora running at Mikey and yelling his name. He was about to punch Mikey when Ken stop him. I took out my rod and hit those three guys how charged at me. I saw Hanma stopped Ken from middling with Kazutora and Mikey's fight by pushing him with a kick. I was free so I ran to them, jumped and tried to kick Hanma on the back of his neck from the side, but he stopped my kick with his left arm.
"ouch, that's hurt like a bitch!" he groan, "I gotta fight your vice leader princess, I'll get back at you in a second. We gotta solve our problem before the fight! You didn't tell me you're a princess!" he added and pointed at their member to come closer and fight me.

"You think you're gonna be alive after Ken's done with you?! Pfft...think again moron!"
"We'll see...Mikey's all yours Kazutora!" then they start fighting, Mikey versus Kazutora and Ken versus Hanma! I hade five big guys on me, attacking from all side.
"they say you're a formidable fighter missy!"
"can you even hit with those puny fist of yours?"
"Are you guys sure she's a girl? I never heard about Toman having female members!" they said as standing around and ready to attack.
"Maybe we should check it for ourselves" they start laughing.
"quit your bitching you spineless losers! Come at me" I smirked

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