75: Even after I die

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"Fifty guy from the third division versus me!" Baji said while ties up his hair. He managed to shake off Chifuyu, Takemichi and Kazutora. He kick fifty people's ass in less then couple of minutes and came to Kisaki, holding a iron pipe to his throat.
"Fuck! Guess that's that..." he said coughing up blood and fell to his knees.
"Keiiiii..." I screamed. Chifuyu ran to him and then start screaming Kazutora's name! Did he stabbed Baji?
Mikey suddenly pulled himself away from my shoulder and stood up. He walked down the pile of cars, ignoring me.
I also stood up and ran to Baji. He was lying on a car, Chifuyu beside him.

I kneeled next to him, find his injury and since I couldn't find anything to put on his injury I placed my hands and put pressure on it trying to stop the bleeding. My eyes were getting blurry from tears piling up in my eyes, I blinked and they start rolling down my cheeks. I could feel my heart beating in my head, felt like it's gonna explode. "Fuck! He lost too much blood, we have to take him to the hospital"
"Yeah" Chifuyu agreed

Mikey was going rampage. He was sitting on Kazutora's motionless body and punching him left and right. He's gonna die! Someone stop Mikey! I looked at Ken, Mitsuya and Takemichi they were standing around watching him. I can't let go of Baji, he's gonna die from blood loss! I look at his face. He was conscious, looking at me. There was blood all over his face, but his black eyes were shining. "It's ok, I'm ok. It doesn't hurt as much" he smiled.
"Shut up Kei, don't talk..."
"You know I remember something..."
"I'm telling you to shut up!"
"I remember back when we were little kids...you, Mikey and me playing hide and seek. You guys were hiding and I was supposed to find you..."

"Someone pushed me and I fell to the ground and wounded my knees...and just like now you came running to me with such a worry look on you face as Mikey went to those guys and beat the shit out of them...huh" he chuckled as blood coming out of his mouth. I couldn't shut him up and my tears wouldn't stop, sobbing was the only option while I listen to his story.
"I think I fell in love with you all over again that day...I didn't felt the pain on my knees, your and Mikey's worry eyes were a prize I didn't knew I could get just by being hurt"
he sighed, "after that I occasionally injured myself just to see you two, especially you, worry! Hah, sorry! I'm such a selfish ass!"
"No you're a masochist!"
"Pfft...no! I'm not!" he look at me speechless, with his mouth half open and a shut up look on his face. How can he be like this when he's bleeding to death!

"So I'm really happy now...seeing you guys worry, make my heart jump in excitement"
He gave me an smile, brought his hand up to mine and hold my wrist, pulling away my hands from his wound.
"I'm ok Sam, stay back" he said blood rushing down his lips again. I look at him with widen, teary eyes. Warm tears streaming down my cheeks, a sob escaped my mouth, "Kei, please..." he brought up his bloody hand to my face and wiped away the tears from my cheek. "Don't cry Sam, it'll hurt my heart. It hurts worst than this stupid stabbed wound! I told you, it's ok" he cough up blood again. I put my free hand on his hand which was on my face and my other hand was still on his wound. All I could say was stuttering sounds. He gave me a reassuring smile and stood up.
"Baji-san?!" Chifuyu said in shock.

Baji also went down from the pile of cars. He was gonna stop Mikey from killing Kazutora. "Mikeyyyyy..." Baji called him. I stood up to follow him. Mikey stopped and look at his direction.
"You got mad...just for me?" he could barley walk or even talk and blood was dripping down his wound to the ground.
"I'm not gonna die! This wound won't kill me, so don't worry about it...Kazutora"
He bent down and took a knife from the ground where Kazutora left it. "No, no, nooooo..." I ran as fast as I could.

He hold the knife with his two hands and raised his hands up and bring them down to stab himself. I ran from behind him and tried to hold the knife from going in his stomach but I was late and he did pushed the knife into his body with all the power he got. The knife cut my hands and went in his stomach. "You're not gonna kill me" he said as he stabbed himself.

He fell into my arms as I fell to the ground, he look up at me, pulling his brows together. I was terrified, my eyes wide open as tears still coming out of them. I couldn't breathe. Look at him straight in the eyes. "You fucking dumbass!" he said moved his hands in slow motions cause he didn't had the energy to move anymore. He hold my hands and bring them to his mouth. He planned a kiss on my wound and smiled. "Don't ever injure yourself cause of somebody else!" he mumbled.
"Speak for yourself you idiot" I said, sobbing. Chifuyu came close and sit next to him. "Baji-san, why?..."

Takemichi also came close, standing next to us and asking the same question, as why he stabbed himself. "Takemichi come closer..." Baji talked to Takemichi about how Kisaki is behind all of this and that he's not third division captain, it's Pah. He said Toman's founding members are his treasure, including Kazutora.
"I wanted to fix this on my own, but I just couldn't..." his tears float down from the side of his eyes. He closed his eyes in hope of stopping them. "I died on my own, Mikey has no reason to kill Kazutora" he continued. "You fucking dumbass" i whispered, crying my eyes out.

"Mikey and Toman, I'm leaving them in your hands" he told Takemichi. Then he thanked Chifuyu for everything, having a big smile on his face.
He bring his hand to my face and tried to wipe my tears again, but he didn't had the energy to move. So I took his hand and rubbed my cheek against it.
"My love, you're the kindest person I ever knew. You're not selfish, I'm. I'm selfish for wanting you even though...I knew your feelings. But I'm selfish...I want you even now! And I know I want you... even after I die" blood came out of the corner of his mouth, he smiled. "I'll love you even after I die" he closed his eyes.
"Hey, Kei? You can't die? PLEASE" I cried out loud as Chifuyu screamed on top of his lungs.

I hold his head in my arms, looking at his peaceful face. "You selfish bastard, you leaving like this..." I whispered to him. He didn't answered, he didn't moved. His body got cold, but he was still smiling.
"Fucking asshole..." tears wouldn't stop falling down. I couldn't hear anything. The only thing I could see was Baji's lifeless body in my arms and hearing loud ringing sounds in my head. My body got cold too, I couldn't feel my heart beating like second ago, and I forgot how to breathe.

Suddenly I felt a warms on my head, I look up, tearing my eyes away from Baji. It was Mikey, he put his hand on my head. I look at him, he was blurry again and he was crying. "Kei is not moving Mikey" I wiped my tears with the back of my hand to see more clearly.
"Lets go..." he said
"But...Kei..." I look back at Baji and look back at Mikey. "He's dead..." I whimpered. Mikey nod his head and reached his hand out for me to grab.
"I'll stay... his body's cold, I can't just leave him like this! His mom will ..." words broke in my throat and turned into a sob.

"Kazutora's gonna stay with him" I look at the person who was sitting next to Baji's body. It was Kazutora. "You fucking bastard, get away from Kei...it's all your fault! You made him kill himself" I look at him in the eyes. Mikey hold on to under my arms to help me stand up. "Noo...I told you I'll stay" I pulled myself away from him.
"Baji definitely doesn't want you to get arrested" he said grabbed me from under my arms again and drag me away, Baji's head hit the ground.
I struggled, let myself free and stood in front of him. Look him in the eyes, "don't fucking touch me..." I mumbled through my teeth, I was mad at him. I can't just let Baji be here alone until police take him away!
I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and everything went black.

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