07: As stupid as ever

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I got a taxi to get to follow them, I wanted to see what they've up to. But I'm not sure if I can show my face yet. I thought I lost them until I heard some guys fighting in a parking lot nearby. I knew it's gonna be either Mikey or Baji the second I heard the noises. They're always been this way, troublemakers, I thought to myself while smiling.

So I got closer to have a better look, and then I saw lot of people , around 30 or more, ganging up on Baji, while Mikey and that other guy sitting on their asses and watching.
Did they came here to fight? Why Baji fighting alone? Is he this confident? Nahhh I don't think so, he and Mikey are just as stupid as ever, I thought.
After couple of minutes, Baji was done. He defeated all those guys in a matter of minutes and he just had few scratches on him. I was still watching him from behind the wall when somebody grabbed my collar from back and lifted me up. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I said in low voice, try to look back at the person grabbing me. "Oh shit... tall dragon dud..." I said but regret instantly because of the way he looked at me.  "weren't you just sitting over there!" I whispered to myself.
"Who are you?" He asked, glaring at me with big eyes, trying to scare me. "What are you doing hiding here? Are you with those morons?" he asked again, carrying me to others this time. I don't want to see them like this "no no no, put me down you dumbass" I tried to free myself.
He stopped and groans "shut it, or else I'll murder you". "Holy shit, there is no need to get your hands dirty! I'll just shut up" I said trying not to make a sound.

He finally put me down in front of Mikey and Baji. "I found this thing over there spying on us" both Mikey and Baji look at me in silence for a couple of second and then Baji put his hands on his waist and looked the other way. Mikey jumped down from his bike and came near me while still looking me in the eyes "what do you want from this poor girl Ken-Chin" he said still looking in my eyes. "She doesn't even know us"
His words break my heart and I couldn't hold my tears back. But he sounds like he remembers me, so it's somehow made me happy. I smiled while crying. They remember me, I thought. Ken-guy start panicking after he saw my tears and told me that he's sorry for this "I thought you're with this guys, and an spy" he point to gangster rolling on the ground.

Mikey still looking at me, I looked at Baji, we linked eyes, his eyes was teary. He took two big steps and pulled me into a hug. "You fucking dumbass! Where the fuck were you all this time?" Baji said with shaking voice. He squeezed me hard and put his head on my shoulder. I cried even worse, I couldn't talk, but I slide my arms around his waist and hugged him back.

Mikey hold my wrist and dragged me out of Baji's embrace, looked me in the eyes again and gave me a soft smile. "I missed you like crazy dumbass" and he also hugged me. I hug him back while sniffing and crying. Ken was looking at us with a shock and lost expression.

"I'm not a dumbass you dumbasses"  I said get out of Mikey's arms. I wiped my eyes and asked "do you even know who I'm?".
"Ppfff... hahaha..." Mikey starts laughing, holding to Ken-guy shoulder
"finally lost it, huh?" Baji asked annoyed while looking me dead in the eyes.
"You guys are as stupid as ever!" I said crying again

—Same scene, Mikey's pov
Ken-chan left and came back with a little girl in his had. He was carrying her, holding from her collar from back. She was trying to hide her face, but when they got closer I could see her face clearly. No way I thought to myself, is she really? She had the same raven-black hair, but a little shorter, and the same big, round eyes which have the same shiny black colour!
Her snow white skin and her beautiful foreign face is the same too, but a little more mature.
She's as short as she was. But all in all she's the same person, she's Sam. My hear stopped for a minute, I thought I'm imagining things. I jumped down from my bike and went closer to her while still looking her in the eyes "what do you want from poor girl Ken-chin" I said still looking her in the eyes. "She doesn't even know us". How is that Sam? Isn't it hurt? I wanted to show her how hurt I'm after she left us without saying anything. But then she start crying with a smile on her face. And my heart couldn't take it. So I pulled her out of Baji's arms, looked her in the eyes again and gave her a soft smile. "I missed you like crazy dumbass" and I hugged her.

—Same scene, Baji's pov
I finished kicking those fuckers asses when Draken came up to us with a little lady in his hand, he was lifting her like a rat. In the first glance I thought she's some random girl. And then I saw combination of her deep black eyes and the fucking white skin of hers. Did I lost it? Why do I see her? She isn't here, she left us long time ago. This must be someone who is like her, but not her, I thought to myself. Then when Draken put her down in front of us, her raven black hair fall down on her face, the way it always did. She's the real deal! She's Sam! I put my hands on my waist and looked the other way. My heart hurts, and I felt a lump in my throat, don't cry you moron, I thought. But my eyes got teary and it take all my might to hold it from falling. I looked at her again and she turned her head towards me, we linked eyes, she was crying. I can't see her cry, I never did, so I took couple of steps and pulled her into my arms. "You fucking dumbass! Where the fuck were you all this time?" I said with shaking voice, I can't control my emotions anymore. I squeezed her hard and put my head on her shoulder, and let my tears fall down. She cried even more, and she put her arms around my waist and hugged me back.
Then Mikey pulled her out of my arms.

My family (Tokyo Revengers | Mikey x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant