54: Apology

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I saw Mikey sitting on the couch with smiling, angry and Mitsuya when I came in. And Ma were pealing fruit for Ken and Emma, sitting next to his bed. Nobody looked my way when I went in, even Ma.
"I heard you beat up Takashi downstairs. Did your dad raise you like this! Or did your mom asked you to use your strength to beat people up? Power should use to protect not to hit your loves one" Ma start talking without looking at me, she sounds mad.
"I'm sorry Ma, don't be mad at me please!"
"You should apologise to Takashi and Manjiro!"
"Ma, please don't be hard on her" Ken took my side. I look at Mitsuya and Mikey sitting on the side, "I'm sorry Mitsuya-kun, Mikey-kun" i said with a smirk and a face saying I don't mean it. Then I turned around and looked at Ma but she still didn't look at me, so I decided to came out of the room.

I came outside of the hospital and sit on the bench again, the same bench I've been sitting on this past two days. "But nobody cares how I feel!" I whispered to myself and sighed.
I look at the sky, took a deep breath and closed my eyes. But as soon as I did that I saw the sight where Baji's bloody body was on my hand. I shot open my eyes and sighed again. "Pleas don't make trouble Baji"
Then I decided to text him and ask him how's doing.

Kei, what are you up to?
You doing ok?

He didn't answered my text. So I text again.

Why aren't you answering me?
Are you ok?

He didn't answered again. I heard a footsteps coming close to me, so I turned to check who's coming when I saw Ma. She came and sit down beside me, and I followed her with my eyes. I didn't say anything until she asked if I'm ok.
"Are you ok? You can talk to me butterfly. Why did you fight?"
"Ma! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to beat Mitsuya up."
She hugged me and pat my head. And it's made me cry. "Please don't hate me Ma"
"I don't hate you my girl, I love you"
I don't know how long we sit there like that but she was holding me and patting me all the time that I was crying.
"Lets go patch your ear inside" she asked and dragged me inside "did you see my ear?"
"Yeah, it looks bad!"
"Mikey did it!" She laughed until we were inside. She asked a nurse to patch my ear for me and after that she was about to drag me to Ken's room again, "Ma, I'm not going in again, I'll go home"
"Why? They're your friends and they accept your apology already" she smiled at me.
"Yeah, but I'm tired. I'll go home and sleep"
"Ok butterfly, do whatever you're comfortable doing" then she pulled me into a hug and kiss my forehead.
"I'll stay here with your friend tonight, you close the doors and sleep well"
"You staying?" I came out of her arms and look at her.
I smiled at her and hugged her again. "You're an angel Ma! I love you"
"I love you too my Yuri"

I came outside after I part ways with Ma, then I remembered I didn't bring my bike with me, so I had to take a bus home. I didn't even reach the bus stop yet when I heard a motorcycle behind me.
I look back and saw Mikey and Mitsuya. They stopped next to me.
"Hop on I'll give you a ride" Mikey said pointing at his back. I didn't say anything, look at him in the eyes for a second then turned around and went my way to the bus stop.
"I'm sorry" he yelled. Mitsuya was standing there waiting for us to figure our shit out.
"What are you sorry about?" I asked, turning back again.
"About biting the shit out of your ear?"
"And get a wrong idea about you two?"
"Made it look like it's your fault in front of your grandma?"
I look at Mitsuya. "I'm not gonna apologise! You beat me up out there" he said looking another way.
"Ok, Mitsuya-kun. Sorry" then I jumped on Mikey's bike, lock my hand around his waist and put my head on his back. He start riding.
He drop me off at my house and told me he have somewhere to go, so they left after that. I went in and dropped myself on my bed, I don't know how long I was lying there trying to sleep but I finally fell sleep.

"Baji-kun, no you can't!" Chifuyu was screaming Baji's name. I was standing behind him, looking at Baji running towards Mikey. Mikey holding on to someone's collar. The guy was in a white jacket and had a black hood on his head, so you couldn't see his face.
"Keisuke..." I screamed. Chifuyu turn his head towards me, "shut up, it's all your fault! He's doing this for you" his eyes were bright red, looking me directly into my eyes. I break the eye contact with Chifuyu when I heard a loud voice coming from Mikey's and Baji's direction.
Baji was on the ground, Mikey holding him tight in his arms while putting his head on his chest. The guy in the hood was just sitting there watching everything.
I start running towards them but I couldn't reach them.
I was out of breath and I could hear my heart beating fast, either cause of running or cause of fear!
I was scared my dream from other day would come true, so I run with all my might.

I woke up drenched in sweat again, my heart was beating like crazy and i couldn't breathe. I saw another dream with Baji dying in it. What should I do, I thought.
I find my phone and called Baji, he didn't answered his phone either!
"Maybe his sleep, it's 2 in the morning after all" I told myself. I thought about going to his house but I couldn't risk waking up his family this time of the night.
Then I called Mikey, but I hang up after two rings. He must be sleeping too, he looked tired this days, I should let him sleep, I thought.
"I'm alone again" I lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling and trying to not think about the dream.

After sometimes I heard someone knocking on the door. Who the heck is this in the middle of the night? Then I got a text on my phone from Mikey.
"I'm at your palce, open the door"
I jumped off of my bed and ran to the door. Mikey was standing there in front of the door when I opened it, and I hugged him.
"Are you ok Sam? I got a phone call from you and I was riding around so I couldn't answer you! Wait...why are you shaking Sam?"
In his warm embrace and after he got all worry for me, my eyes start watering up and tears fell without hesitation. I hold him even tighter.
"Please don't cry" he sounds sad, and didn't know what to do in this situation. He just warped his arms around me and pat my back to comfort me.

After some time I get out of his arms and invite him in.
"So what happened?" he said while coming in.
"I fell sleep and had a nightmare again" he stopped and look at me. "Again?"
"Yeah, I saw Baji again dying"
He then came to me again and hug me. "It's ok, nothing gonna happens to him. He's strong, beside you shouldn't take a nightmare seriously. It's just stress or anxiety cause what happened to Ken-chin and the coming up fight with Valhalla"
I sighed and hugged him tighter.

He finally let me go, hold my hand and dragged me to my room. He helped me lay down and sit next to me, holding my hand. "I'll sit here, you can sleep in peace. I'll take care of everything" he smiled at me and pat my hair with his other hand.
I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Mikey's always like this, he's trying to take everyone's worry and solve or carry it by himself. He's kind, too kind for his own good. I was holding his hand and listening to his breathing when I drift off.

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