love & war | thirty eight

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Before I start, I just wanted to say and thank you all so much for the love and support I've received while writing this story - I've honestly never felt so loved and I couldn't thank you lot more. love yous 😕💓


via @fallonferguson's instagram

via @fallonferguson's instagram stories

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                 Drinks were in everyone's system - and for once Fallon and Mason weren't down each other's throats.

But that was partially becuase Mason was too distracted with what Fallon had on.

It was the way the dress had perfectly cut out her back, to the slits in the front shaping her waist perfectly.

In the boys' eyes he saw her as flawless. He didn't know why his thoughts on her had changed so quickly but he had honestly thought that.

Fallon was at a table with Clara, Mason, Ben, Callum, Trevoh and of course all their dates aswell.

Fallon and Mason's chairs basically being stuck together, Mason snuck his arm around Fallon's shoulder, resting his arm.

Smiling Fallon noticed looking at the boy, "Slick you, slick." She laughed as she looked over at Clara who was already watching the two.

"Ugh, I actually beg, will yous stop flirting?" Asked Clara getting the table's attention, as she faced Mason and Fallon.

"Oh my days Clara." Fallon shook her head as Mason chuckled. "Oh because your not flirting, you just put your arm around her, didn't you Mase?"

Callum said to Mason as the two exchanged looks chuckling, "How about we go get some drinks C?"

Asked Fallon to Clara who nodded as Fallon slowly removed Mason's hand before walking with Clara to the bar to place some orders to the bartender.

The two stood at the bar waiting for the drinks as Clara spoke up.

"So Fal, you and Mase, what's up with yous?"

"Nothing." Fallon said as Clara shook her head,
"Hell no, yous was flirting and everything!" Frowned to Clara.

"We weren't he was just being nice to me for the first time." Fallon reasoned to her friend.

"Oh sure." Clara chuckled as she looked over at Fallon, "How about we just focus on these drinks, yeah?"

Fallon said as Clara laughed to herself, "Yeah." She nodded - the two waiting for the bartender - so they could get their drinks.

With a warm smile, Fallon thanked the bartender grabbing the tray with the tables' drinks on it, walking back to the table, placing down the tray on the table.

"Drinks!" Fallon smiled as she put the tray down, sitting back next to Mason.

Everyone grabbed their drinks, Fallon obviously grabbing a shot.

"Ah-ah missy what do you think your doing?" Mason said as Fallon looked at him, "Pickin a shot up?"

"Nono, light weight I ain't having this." Mason shook his head as Fallon laughed at him.

"Come on Mase, just one shot." Fallon begged the boy - as he chuckled shaking his head, "Go on then."

Mason sighed as Fallon laughed handing him a shot, "I don't think it'd be right if I did it by myself."

Laughed Fallon as Mason took is glancing at the girl as she nodded, "If we're both drunk by the end this it's your fault, yeah?"

"Okay okay." The two laughed before gulping down the shots.

"That's shit."
"Trust me, tastes like rubbing alcohol."

Said Fallon as she quickly chased it down with some Dr Pepper, making Mason laugh.

"What? I'm never taking shots ever again!" Fallon groaned scrunching her nose, "I bet you wished you listened to me now, don't you?"

"Just a maybe?"

Nodded Fallon earning a smile from Mason as the two continued to chat.

The night went on, and luckily Fallon had killed the shots she was taking - however when Mason took that single shot - he didn't stop.

"Mase come on, that's enough." Frowned Fallon as she grabbed the shot out of his hand.

"Excuse me! You might be pretty but who gives you the right to do that-"

Mason shouted at Fallon as she looked at him with a smile, "Did you just call me... pretty?"

"Yeah, I did! Is there a problem with that?" Frowned Mason as he rested his head on Fallon's shoulder.

Fallon let out a sigh rubbing her temples, as she looked over at Clara, help in her eyes.

Clara getting up from her seat, "Why don't you take your new boyfriend back to the hotel?"

"I'll take him back to the hotel, but hell, never call him my boyfriend again!"

Clara laughed as Fallon got of her seat, making Mason stand up, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Ask for the keys for the King suite! Mason wanted the hotel to keep his keys, cause he figured that this'd happen."

Explained Clara to Fallon as she nodded, slipping her bag on, "I'll text you the address!"

"Alright, I'll see you!" Fallon waved as she stumbled over to her rental car, putting Mason in the passenger's seat.

A ping coming from Fallon's phone, it was the address of the hotel from Clara.

"Ooh, the pretty lady has me in her car." Smirked the intoxicated Mason who started to slowly fall asleep.

✔️𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 & 𝙒𝘼𝙍 | 𝙈. 𝙈𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙏Where stories live. Discover now