love & war | twelve

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"God Mount! Will you shut up for two seconds?" Fallon said from her chair, looking up from her phone.

Everyone was busy in hair and make-up getting ready for the photoshoot to start.

"Why do I need to shut up Ferguson? You've been nagging me for 20 minutes." Mason said in reply, rolling his eyes.

Today Maya, Clara, Fallon, Jack, Ben and Mason were doing a photoshoot for Nike, and afterwards we're going to do an interview where they just answer some questions sent in by the fans. It was just before the photoshoot was going to start and Fallon and Mason were already having their daily disagreement.

"I think both of you need to shut up to be fair." Ben chuckled looking up from his phone.

"He doesn't ever shut up and nobody was going to tell him to stop," Fallon reasoned looking over at Ben in his seat.

"Don't listen to her, she delusional." Mason scoffed,
"Shut up big mouth."

"You two argue like you're still in primary school." Maya laughed shaking her head, "For fucks sake will someone please just shut him up?!" Fallon shouted as a lady walked in interrupting their conversation.

"Well, it's nice to meet all of you, I'm Nancy and I'm the art director, the photographer is ready to see you all, so you can all come through."

Nancy said as everyone got out of their seats as they headed through the doors into the studio.

"Alright so, we're just going to start with a few looks before seeing yous all looking behind the camera, alright? And then after that we'll pair you up, into groups, couples, etc."

The photographer explained as they all nodded as all the stylists approached the group.

Fallon's stylists, gave her the first look, before heading into her dressing room. As she came out in her first look.

"Miss Ferguson is ready first, Sir." Fallon's stylist smiled as the photographer nodded.

"So Fallon, just get infront of the camera and improvise the poses, either way, just remember, you'll look stunning!" The photographer gestured as Fallon nodded.

As Fallon modelled, the others finally came out, "G'won Fal!" Maya shouted as she Fallon smiled - with the photographer clicking away.

Just behind Maya, Clara was stood with Mason as nudged him who was busy watching the girl, "I thought you didn't like her?" Clara winked.

"Oh be quiet, just because I don't like doesn't mean I shouldn't pay respect to her." Mason reasoned looking at Clara as she nodded, "Mhm."

"She doesn't need my respect." Clara mocked - laughing at her fellow colleague as she went to stand with Maya.

"Alright Fallon, that's a wrap, onto you're next look! Now, I'd like Jack next." The photographer as Fallon nodded heading back into her dressing room.

"Fal! You did amazing!" Clara exclaimed as Ben and Fallon bumped fists.

"Thanks." Fallon chuckled hugging the girl before she headed back into her dressing room to get changed into her next look.

As she came out after getting changed into her second look the photographer consulted her.

"Alright so Fallon. For your second look, we'd like you to have a male model with you." The photographer explained as he looked up at the boys.

"Jack. Get over here." The photographer said as he gestured for him to stand next to Fallon, "hm... I don't think the blonde on blonde works."

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