Chapter 40

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Soo Ra's POV:

"Soo Ra?" Aera called me but I kept staring at the test. How could this have happened? How? "Soo Ra. Just know I will always be there for you." Aera said and I nodded while a tear escaped my eye. I just didn't know if it was a happy or sad tear.

"Yoongi and I never spoke about kids. We're just more than 6 month together." I started talking. "I understand, but I know for a fact that he wants kids someday." Aera tried to comfort me a bit. "Of course, but I don't think he wants one right now." I said back.

"It will be difficult, but he won't run away from it. Believe me." Aera said, which made me a bit more secure. "I know we're at least at a good age for it, but not really the right moment." I let out a sigh. "Sweety, it's never the right time for it. But if you both want to keep it, I know you'll be fine." Aera placed an arm around my shoulders.

"Arghh...what do I need to do now?" I groaned and leaned my head on Aera's shoulder. "Well, two things. Talk to Yoongi and go to a doctor to confirm your pregnancy." Aera said and I sighed again. "Oh god..."

"When do I tell him? Before or after I'm seeing a doctor?" I questioned Aera. "I'd prefer before. He deserves to know what might be going on." Aera honestly said. "You're right. But when? They have a busy schedule." I asked.

"As soon as possible. The label needs to know as well if you can't work so much anymore." Aera stated. "Why is an unexpected pregnancy so difficult?!" I groaned. "I don't want to distract Yoongi from his work right now." I said.

"Don't worry. Yoongi is very dedicated and can handle it." Aera comforted me. "Alright, but when? I don't want to do it here when everyone is home." I admitted. "They're done by 5pm. Why don't you bring food for both of you and head to his studio?" What Aera said made me think.

"Not a bad idea. And no one can burst into the room unwanted." I nodded and sipped from my tea. "Oh, shit! I used the pill while I'm already pregnant!" I said with my eyes widened. "I don't think it will effect that much. Just ask the doctor about it." Aera said.

"Alright. Oh, Aera? Please stay quiet to the other guys, okay?" I asked her. "Of course! It's up to you and Yoongi when you tell them." Aera smiled at me. "Thank you. And thank you for being there for me with this." I said to her with a smile.


It was already 4:30pm and I got some food for me and Yoongi. The rest of the day I was flabbergasted. Right now that feeling gave way to nervousness. I arrived quickly at HYBE building and entered. I straitly walked towards the dance studio.

I opened the door and I saw Tae, Jimin and Jin being crazy with each other. "Oh! Soo Ra!" Jin waved at me when he noticed me. The three of them walked towards me and greeted me with a hug. " brought food!!" Tae exclaimed.

"Sorry Tae, this time I only brought for me and Yoongi." I said and Tae started to pout immediately. "Where is everyone else?" I asked them as I didn't see any other members. "Namjoon hyung went home to Aera, J-hope hyung and Jungkook went to clean themselves up and Yoongi hyung is at his studio." Jimin explained.

"Thanks guys! I'll see you later tonight!" I said goodbye and headed to Yoongi's studio. My hands got sweatier as I got closer to the studio. I entered the code and walked inside. "Yah! Jungkook-ah, you can't just walk in and out as you please!" Yoongi said from behind his chair.

"It's me, Yoongi." I said, but tried to keep my shaky voice unnoticed. "Oh, Soo Ra, what are you doing here?" Yoongi happily turned his chair and got up to hug me and kiss me on my lips. "I smell food!" Yoongi exclaimed.

"Yeah, I brought lamb skewers and teokbokki!" I tried to react happy, but Yoongi must've noticed something at me. "Jagi, are you alright? You seem a bit off?" Yoongi asked while looking at me.

"Well.. I found out why I vomit a lot and got sick a few weeks ago." I said as I kept my eyes down. "But I thought you could see the doctor on Monday?" Yoongi said confused. "True, but Aera thought about something I didn't think about." I sighed.

"What is it jagi?" Yoongi took my hand and hold hit gently. I forced myself to look him in the eye. "Yoongi...I wished we would be in a better place and a better time..." I took a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm pregnant..."

For a moment Yoongi stared quietly at me and I hung my head low while letting out a sigh. Suddenly he pulled my into a hug and I let myself go. Tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably while I rested my head against Yoongi's chest. I felt that the stress from the whole day finally got out of my body.

"It's fine jagi. We'll figure this out together." Yoongi spoke and caressed my hair. My tears stopped falling and I let Yoongi go, but his hands were still intertwined with mine. "Soo Ra, do you have any idea how this could happen?" Yoongi asked with a sweet, calm voice.

"It must have happened in September. I didn't used pills yet, and the rubber must've been broken." I explained to him. "I see." Yoongi said and ruffled his hair with one hand. " you want this child?" I asked him quietly, scared for the answer.

"Jagi, from the moment I met you, I knew you were the woman I wanted to have a future with. It may not be a great time, and we have a lot to figure out, but I would like nothing more than that." Yoongi smiled at me and I flew into his arms.

"Did I already told you that you're the most amazing man I've ever met?" I said while trying to hold back tears. "You didn't, but I like to hear that." Yoongi joked, which made me laugh again. "You're more beautiful when you smile." Yoongi said to me with his gummy smile.

"But won't it mess with your career? And HYBE?" I asked him. "I don't care what they think about it. It's our decision after all. And I won't let it stand my career in the way." Yoongi secured me. "Alright. I'll go to the doctor tomorrow to have myself and the pregnancy examined." I said to Yoongi.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Yoongi asked me sweetly. "If it doesn't mess up your schedule, please." I smiled. "I'll make sure it won't. Maybe it's not a bad idea to talk with Sejin after we went to the doctor?" Yoongi proposed.

"I think that it's a good idea. The sooner they know, the better." I agreed with Yoongi. "But when do we tell the boys? They'll notice that I won't be able to work often." I asked. "Let's not worry about that right now. We'll focus on ourselves first." Yoongi gave me a comforting smile.

After our comforting talk, we took our food and talked about different things. We finished our food quickly and threw the garbage away. "Jagi.." Yoongi called me and I hummed. "I still can't believe I'm going to be a dad.." Yoongi smiled shyly.

"I know. For the whole day I felt different as well. I can't realise I'm carrying a little human being in here." I said as I place my hand on my stomach. "Whatever may happen Soo Ra, I'll be there for you and our child." Yoongi said and placed a tender kiss on my lips. 

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