Chapter 18

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Soo Ra's POV:

"So how you're doing right now?" Aera asked me as we walked through the park. "Well, I'm more happy since I got you back. But still not 100%." I honestly answered. "Yoongi?" Aera asked. I nodded at her.

"Did you hear anything from the boys?" I asked, hoping to get news from them. "I've talked things through with Joonie, but he won't tell me what Yoongi says to them." Aera said. "But hopefully sasaengs will stop, now that Big Hit reacted back."

I gave a weird look at Aera. "What do you mean, Big Hit responded?" "You didn't saw the news?" Aera looked surprised at me. "When I was two days at home, my phone was turned off the whole time. I didn't bother to watch news yet." I explained.

"Well I suppose you look at it right now." Aera said and we seated ourselves at a bench. I opened the news app and searched for the recent Kpop news. The first headline I saw was; BTS'S SUGA ENDS COLLAB WITH LILY AFTER INCIDENT.

I clicked on it and read: 'BTS's SUGA ended the collaboration with artist LILY, also known as Chen Nari. SUGA, as well Big Hit denies the dating rumours between the two. Manager Sejin told us SUGA's view: "SUGA worked on a professional collaboration with LILY. We can secure that the two never dated, or are dating now. We can't tell why this scene happened, but we do know that it would never be SUGA's intention to hurt her or anyone else."

I stared shockingly to my screen. What a fool have I been? Why couldn't I trust Yoongi? Why was I so goddamn selfish about 'protecting' my feelings?! "Soo Ra, are you okay?" Aera looked at me with a worry.

"Yeah...yeah...I'm fine." I said absently. "I've been so foolish Aera. Why couldn't I just hear Yoongi out?" I asked myself. "Soo Ra, you thought you did best for yourself. There's really no one to blame." I looked over to Aera. "Maybe..."

"Why don't you try talking to him when you are back in Seoul?" Aera suggested. "I doubt if he wants to listen to me." I sadly said. "I don't know that either. But I can lure him to a place where you can talk in private." Aera proposed.

"Would you do that for me?" I asked in disbelieve. "Of course. Let's plan this out. I need to have a good excuse for him to come with me." Aera said thoughtfully. "Then I will come home with you tomorrow. I need to do work at home anyways." I said.


Next day.

Aera stayed the night at the guest room at our house. We both packed our stuff and had breakfast. Yesterday I quickly arranged the same flight as Aera. Our plane will leave at 3pm, so we had a little time left before leaving.

"Nearby is an ice cream parlour. Want to go for an ice cream?" I asked Aera with a smile. "I'm always craving for ice cream. Stupid question!" Aera smiled brightly. Together we walked to the parlour and ordered our ice creams.

As we got our ice creams, we went outside to take a seat on the picknick table. "You sure you want to keep to our plan?" Aera asked. "As sure as I can be." I said confidently. Last night we made up the plan to lure Yoongi to me.

After we finished our ice cream in silence we walked back to my aunt's house. "I'm sorry I'm leaving so fast again, Song-I." I said with pity. "Don't be sorry sweety, you got to do what you got to do." Song-I gave me her sweet smile.

"Now let's go before you miss your flight." Song-I said and unlocked the car so we could put our suitcases into the trunk. After we got everything, we left to the airport. Within 30 minutes we arrived at the airport.

Aera and I already checked in and put our suitcases on the treadmill. "We'll go to the gate now, Song-I. Thank you for everything!" I said while giving her a tight hug. "Miss. Cheong, thank you for your hospitality and letting me stay with you for these past days." Arae bowed to Song-i.

"Child, please call me Song-I, and it was a pleasure to have you around the house. You should come more with my Soo Ra." My aunt said with a soft voice. "I really will Miss..I mean, Song-i." Aera bettered herself.

With a last wave we went through the doors of the gate to board the plane. After 15 minutes a voice from the speakers called. 'It's able to board now for flight KE 209'. We got into our plane and departed from the airport.

"Please accept my apology Yoongi..."


Yoongi's POV:

The past four to five days we're pretty rough for me. I had to deal with sasaengs through media. I tried not to care to much, but some comments still hurt. But luckily I had a lot of ARMY's behind my back.

I really didn't even care for LILY anymore. Although I heard that her label was pretty pissed at her action. Even most of her fans believed me before her. It even seemed that this wasn't her first action towards an idol.

At some days I talked to the boys, but mostly I was hiding in my studio. I kept thinking about the boy's comment. When they said that Soo Ra loves me. I loved the thought of it, but I wasn't sure for myself if I could forgive her yet.

For a day or two, I was pretty pissed at Soo Ra for not hearing me out. But after talking with the guys, they let me think about Soo Ra's side. She probably acted that was cause she felt betrayed. Understandable, but it didn't make it hurt less.

I turned around in my chair when the doorbell from my studio rang. I got up and opened the door. "Annyeong hyung." Namjoon said and got into my studio. "How are you feeling?" Joon asked me. "I don't know." I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"You've been here for almost 3 days straight." I heard the concerned voice of Namjoon. "Well, I've been working and thinking a lot." I sighed. "Please take care of yourself hyung. Eat enough and sleep enough." Namjoon said.

"Of course I will." I said tiredly. "But how is Aera? How is it going between her and Soo Ra?" mentioning her name gave me a little lump in my throat. "Aera went to visit Soo Ra in Daegu yesterday." Namjoon replied.

"I didn't noticed Aera was gone." I surprisingly said. "That's because you've been here for more than 24 hours now, hyung." Namjoon said a bit offended. "Sorry Joon, but why did Aera go to her?" I asked.

"The day before yesterday, Aera got a voicemail from Soo Ra, saying she was at her family in Daegu to relieve some stress." Namjoon explained. "So they made up now?" I asked. "Yeah, they're arriving this evening. One of our drivers will pick them up." Namjoon responded.

"But when will you and Soo Ra be talking?" Namjoon suddenly asked. "I don't know. I won't be the first one to talk, that's for sure." I said. "Soo Ra already asked Aera for forgiveness, I think she will come to you too." Joon said with a certain tone.

I only shrugged my shoulders as an answer. "Anyways, I'll be leaving now hyung. I want to be home when Aera gets back." Namjoon stood up from his chair and walked towards the door. "Alright. I'll be home tonight. Hopefully it won't be late." I stayed at my chair, instead of leading him out.

"That would be nice hyung. We miss you all, you know?" And with that, Namjoon closed the door behind him as he left. Right now I was by myself again. Bored, tired and my head filled with thoughts of Soo Ra...

Where are we going Soo Ra...where?

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