Chapter 38

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Soo Ra's POV:

"Jagi...." A husky voice whispered to me. Still half asleep on the couch, I opened my eyes and saw Yoongi in front of me. "What time is it." I asked and yawned. "It's 9am right now." Yoongi gave me his gummy smile. "You fell asleep here last night." Yoongi said as he saw my confused look.

"Why didn't you wake me to go home? A bed sleeps much better though." I asked. "You were sleeping cutely, I didn't want to bother you." Yoongi answered and I remembered we hung a bit around in his studio after the heated session. Finally, I fell asleep on the couch in his studio.

"But where did you sleep?" I asked, since there was only a couch here, and his desk chair. "I was caught up in my music, but eventually I fell asleep on the chair." Yoongi replied as if it was normal for him. "Next time we're just going home, okay?" I demanded him jokingly.

" there will be a next time like last night?" Yoongi looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Tssk, you pervert." I rolled my eyes and looked around for my sweater. Suddenly Yoongi wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me so I'd face him.

"Don't roll your eyes on me. Now I want a morning kiss in return." Yoongi mocked. "Or else what?" I tried to provoke him. "Or I will repeat what I did last night....less carefully." Yoongi came closer to me and looked me right in my eyes, giving me shivers all over my body.

When I didn't say a word, he kissed my on my lips. After a long, deep kiss his lips parted from mine. "So...anything to say?" Yoongi asked with a grin. Before I could answer, my phone rang. On my screen I saw Aera was calling me and I picked up.

"YAHH! I FINALLY REACHED YOU!" I held my phone away from my ear as Aera shouted at me. "Easy girl, what's wrong?" I spoke when she got quiet. "What easy? Do you know how worried I was?" Aera called and I suddenly remembered I didn't text or call her to say I was with Yoongi the whole night.

"Oh..right...mianhae!" I apologized to Aera. "Yeah, that's what I thought! Why didn't you text or called me?" Aera asked. "Yoongi got home earlier to surprise me. With an excuse he made sure I went to his studio, where he was waiting at me." I explained.

"OH MY GOD!! That is soooo sweet!! But why didn't you call me afterwards?" For a moment I couldn't keep up with her mood swings. "Well..we a bit busy until midnight." I tried to explain. "Girl, you know you can say that you guys had sex." I heard Aera laugh on the other side.

"But sorry again that I forgot you!" I spoke to Aera. "Alright, alright. For once I'll let this slide." Aera strictly said. "Yah, you're not my teacher or so." I said back while laughing. "I'll speak to you later!" Aera said and hung up before I could say goodbye as well.

With a strange look I stared at my phone. "I know Aera can be crazy, but I never heard her like this. Namjoon must have done something with her yesterday." Yoongi laughed. "Yesterday?" I asked. "Oh, right, I didn't tell you. Namjoon and I went back together yesterday." Yoongi explained.

"Ah, that way." I said and lied down on the couch. "Are you going to sleep again?" Yoongi gave me a look and I nodded. "I got my laziness from you, you know." I smiled at him. "Pff..why would you think that..." Yoongi mocked with a laugh.

"So what should we do today?" I asked Yoongi. "If you don't mind, I would like to go home and do nothing." Yoongi answered. "Sounds good to me!" I responded and got up from the couch. We took our stuff, left the studio and headed to the apartment.


A few days later me, Aera and all the members gathered together on a free day to hang out with each other. Our plans were to go to the studio and then eating at a restaurant or order some food. As we entered the studio, Jungkook straight headed for the computer to put on some music.

"What kind of music do you guys want?" Jungkook asked us meanwhile he started the computer. "Don't care." Yoongi shortly answered, but J-hope shouted, so no one heard a single word. "Play hyped songs!!"

"Taehyung, hajima!!" Jimin shouted and suddenly the boys started chasing each other through the whole studio. "What's going on with those two?" Namjoon asked us. "I really don't know." Jin said while getting his water bottle.

I walked over to the wall and sat down against it. I let out a deep sigh when I sat. "What's up jagi?" Yoongi asked as he followed me. "Nothing, just not feeling too well." I lied a bit. I did feel unwell, but it felt worse then I described. A few days I had stomach aches, not too bad though.

But today it seemed like it reached it's top. I knew I should stay home, but BTS had a busy schedule and I didn't want to be a party pooper on the day everyone was free. "If you feel sick you must go home and rest." Yoongi worriedly said.

"I'll survive. I will keep easy on myself, okay?" I looked at him with a small smile. "Alright, but if you want to leave any time, just say so." Yoongi said and kissed my cheek before getting up and head for the boys.

A few hours later the studio was filled with music, dances and laughter. Luckily I started to feel a bit better and played along with them. "Y'all, gather up!" Jimin called us and we came to him. "Taehyung and I have an amazing idea." Jimin smirked.

"Tell us!" Jungkook exclaimed. "Let's do a dance-off!" Taehyung shouted excitingly. "I'll be out already then." Namjoon jokingly stepped aside. "Joonie, please play along, it's just for fun!" Aera tried to convince him, but Yoongi joined Namjoon.

"My moves aren't also that amazing, so I'll just sit down on the side." Yoongi said. "Maybe you can judge us then?" Jin asked the guys. "Sure!" Namjoon said and he and Yoongi walked to the side and sat down.

J-hope searched for music with a great beat and turned the volume louder. "Alright!!" J-hope exclaimed while he joined the circle we made. "Let's dance!!" Taehyung happily shouted. J-hope took the first move and started to dance.

"J-HOOOOOOOPEEE!!!!!!" I heard Yoongi shout loudly and everyone laughed at it. J-hope finished and Jungkook jumped in the middle of the circle to dance. He showed his awesome moves powerfully. "Jagi, I know Jungkook is nice, but I'm your boyfriend!!" Yoongi mocked me as he saw me stare with open mouth at Kookie.

"You don't even participate, so you have no right to talk that way." I mocked back at Yoongi. "BULTAOREUNE!!!!" Jimin shouted at my statement and I heard some 'ohh's' from the others. I looked over to check if his pride wasn't hurt to much, but he laughed with us.

"Taehyung, your turn!!" Jungkook called as he was done and pushed Tae to the middle. Suddenly Tae started to dance on a girl-group song, making everyone laugh their asses off. "Tae, if you dance like that, you could just stop right now." Jin said with his windshield wiper laugh.

"Soo Ra, do you want to go now?" Jin asked and I nodded. As I stepped at the middle of the circle, my head got a little light, but it got away as soon as it came. I tried to find the rhythm of the song and started to dance.

I danced for a minute, but suddenly my body heated. Not from dancing, but an unusual heat. I felt my legs getting weaker by the second and they must have noticed, because I heard someone say my name.

I wanted to react, but my mouth didn't let me. "Jagi, go sit down." I barely heard Yoongi saying it and I tried to reach for the floor. But when I bend my knees, it got to heavy for my body and it turned dark in front of my eyes. The last thing I felt were a pair of arms wrapping around me...

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