Chapter 20

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June 13th

Soo Ra's POV:

Today was the anniversary day of BTS. At the moment the whole staff was busy at the venue where BTS would go on stage and celebrate the Festa live with ARMY tonight. I practiced a few times with the boys at the stage for their dances.

After practicing a few times I left the boys at themselves. I went to their dressing rooms to meet with Aera. As I entered the room, Aera was busy with unpacking all kinds of make-up with her co-worker. Other staff were putting hair products on the tables which had big mirrors in front of them.

"Aera, everything okay? Do I need to help?" I asked her. "No thanks, we're almost finished." Aera responded while organising the make-up on the table. I waited for her until she was done. "Let's get some fresh air." Aera said and we walked outside.

"Sometimes I really hate those busy days." I sighed. "Why?" Aera asked. "Cause they're so chaotic. I can barely work with such a hurry in everything." I explained. "I see. I just try to stay calm." Aera said with a smile.

"Easy for you, I've got to dance with those guys." I said with a laugh. "Can't deny that." Aera laughed with me. "Well, I've got to go back. We need to get the guys ready." Aera looked at her watch.

"How can you concentrate when you are close to such beautiful faces?" I asked so seriously that Aera couldn't hold back her laugh. "I got used to it. Especially when I have a handsome face around me all the time." Aer smirked, referring to RM.

"Tsshh. Lucky you." I said while rolling my eyes. Aera and I separated ways when we got back inside. Aera got to the dressing room to get the boys' make up and hair done. I walked straight to the bathroom to wash myself to get rid of the sweat from the dancing.

For the last time I read through the program of the Festa. They would start by performing three songs. Then they interact with their fans a bit before performing two other songs. After performing those, there was an Q&A with their fans.

For the last half hour they would sing two songs, and then make a final speech to their fans before singing their last song MIKROSMOS for ARMY. After looking through I helped some other staff with their tasks. Time flew by and BTS needed to get to their places.

They walked in their beautiful outfits to their spot under the stage. I barely could keep my eyes from Yoongi, seeing as beautiful he looked. "Hwaiting guys! Have fun Yoongi-ah!" I couldn't leave it to call to Yoongi in particular. "Thanks Soo Ra." Yoongi said with his bright, gummy smile before they lifted to the stage.

Backstage I watched the guys perform. As always they were very in sync. I went to the coffee machine to get myself an americano. After getting one I got to my seat again and waited until the boys were ready.

The boys finished their third song and got backstage to change quickly into new clothes. "Jin-ah, try to move a bit more loose when you dance. Then the other dances will go better." I advised him. "Alright Soo Ra, I will." Jin said to me in a hurry.

"Yoongi-ah," I said and was a bit speechless when I saw Yoongi's slightly wet hair with bandana. "Soo Ra?" Yoongi asked. "Oh, right. Same goes for you as for Jin, okay?" I said while blushing. "Sure." Yoongi said before running to the stage with the rest.

It was so sweet to see them together with their ARMY. You really could see how much they loved their fans. I watched them at the screen backstage. I would lie if I said I didn't watch at Yoongi at all.

In fact, all I did was looking at Yoongi. I wondered why he still didn't come to me. I wished he would at least say something about the situation, like anything. looks like I still need to wait.

I got snapped out of my thoughts as everyone started running around me again. I noticed they had performed two other songs and they needed to change again. I watched everyone being busy, since I couldn't help anywhere. I would get in their way anyway.

After changing and fixing make-up and hair they got back on stage for their Q&A. I knew for a fact that the questions were totally random. They would answer about 20 questions before performing again.

A few questions were answered until one question caught my attention. "What is going on between SUGA and LILY?" J-hope read the question. The guys were silent for a minute as well before Yoongi came with a decent answer.

"You can all follow the news statements from her company, as well from our company HYBE. I think that will answer your question more. Therefor I won't go any further with this subject. Gamsahabnida ARMY."

I was surprised at Yoongi's calmness and his fair reaction to ARMY. They quickly turned to another question and went on. I laughed and grinned at their funny comments to ARMY's questions.

When they finished the questions they performed another two songs before their speech and final song. For the third time they came down to change into their last set of clothes for the ending of the evening.

Namjoon started with his speech and thanked ARMY, his family and of course Aera. Next up Jimin opened his mouth to speak. "Dear ARMY, before I give my speech, SUGA hyung has to say something important to you all."

I looked with a questionable face to the TV screen. What was he talking about? I thought as I saw Yoongi getting a little bit uncomfortable before speaking. "Right, ARMY. I think I owe you a honest answer to a certain situation."

I could crack my brains to guess what this was all about, but instead I decided to just listen. "Most of you are aware about what happened between LILY and me. I will sincerely ask you to leave LILY alone and leave her in peace. Okay?" Yoongi asked and got a massive 'yes' from the audience.

"Great. For the ones who saw the video as well, heard LILY say that I reacted that way to her because there would be another girl with me." Yoongi paused for a moment before continuing.

"The scene wasn't meant to happen since I had nothing but a professional bond with LILY. But she was right about being another girl close to me." Once Yoongi spoke those words, my eyes got as wide as they could. Is he talking about me?

"I told LILY about this amazing woman, yet I don't know if that's why LILY started the scene. But I want you, ARMY, to know that I didn't play along with the situation. It unwillingly happened to me." Yoongi explained to ARMY.

"Yet this explanation was also for this special woman. As I got in contact with her more often, I fell more and more in love with her." Yoongi started to blush while saying this. Meanwhile I stared speechless at the TV screen.

"Sadly, as she was the woman LILY mentioned, she got involved as well. We had a fight about it and got distant from each other. But a week ago she came to me with a sincere apology." Yoongi continued explaining with 'ooh's' and 'ahh's' from the crowd.

"So I owe her one too, but I wanted to do that on a special occasion. Soo Ra, would you please come to me, here at the stage?" Yoongi looked at me through the camera. I looked over to manager Sejin for permission.

But it seemed like Yoongi could see through the screen. "Soo Ra, don't mind manager Sejin and get up here." Sejin shrugged his shoulders while laughing and nod to me. I walked to the stairs that led to the stage and climbed them.

I walked towards Yoongi with a red blush that would be seen even from miles away. "ARMY, you might recognise her as our dance choreographer." Yoongi explained and he got a 'yes' back from ARMY's in the audience.

"Dear Soo Ra..." Yoongi took a deep breath and looked me straight in the eye. "I do except your apology." Yoongi started. Making me teared up already. "I am sorry as well for being so uncareful and putting you in a situation like this. Please forgive me." Yoongi apologised as well.

"Of course I forgive you Yoongi-ah." I said softly and a smile broke through on his face. Suddenly he took my hands and hold them. I could sense he was nervous through his sweaty palms.

I asked myself why he would get nervous, now that we both had forgiven each other. Little did I know until he spoke again.

"Dear Soo Ra, then would you please become this silly man's GIRLFRIEND?"


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