Chapter 6

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Soo Ra's POV:

I took my house keys and unlocked the door. I went directly to the bathroom to get some painkillers as my headache was still there. I walked back to the living room, only to find an empty couch. 'Where can he be?' I thought as I heard noise coming from the kitchen.

"What are you doing Yoongi-ah?" I walked into the kitchen, seeing him standing by the fridge. "I'm looking for vegetables and bouillon to make a soup which will make you feel a lot better." Yoongi answered.

"Sounds delicious. Can I help?" I asked. "Ani, you go sit on the couch and take rest while waiting for me." Yoongi said, being busy in my kitchen. "Alright, I'll choose a movie already." I walked to the living room.


3RD person's POV:

Soo Ra really found it sweet what Yoongi was doing for her. She never thought that there would be such a sweet side on him. It also surprised her how she felt so at ease with him. She smiled bright at the thought of it.

"What are you smiling about?" Yoongi asked as he walked towards Soo Ra with two bowls of hot soup. "Nothing." Soo Ra said a bit embarrassed as he caught her smiling like an idiot. Soo Ra took the bowl from him and started eating.

"Mmm!! It tastes so good!" Soo Ra exclaimed. Yoongi gave her one of his precious gummy smiles, seeing her enjoying the food he made. Yoongi was glad that the food was making her feel better.

"Can I ask you something Soo Ra?" Yoongi said in a very serious tone. "Of course Yoongi, what's up?" Soo Ra was a bit taken aback of his sudden serious voice. "I uh...I wanted to ask if you could give me extra dance training. I want to improve a bit more and get more flexible."

"Oh, is that all?" Soo Ra said feeling relieved. "What did you think I was gonna ask you huh?" Yoongi grinned. "Well, you sounded so serious that I thought you wanted to ask me if I could hide a body or something like that." Soo Ra said with a half worried, half laughing tone. "Yah, you really think that bad of me huh?!" Yoongi laughed at her words.


Yoongi's POV:

After we finished our food I brought the bowls to the kitchen. I was washing the dishes until I heard footsteps behind me. "Yoongi-ah, can I ask you something now?" "Yeah, ask away." I said, wondering what it was about.

"We lived both nearby in Daegu, but how come I've never seen you on the central high school of our neighbourhood?" Soo Ra asked. I didn't know why, but I felt like I could tell her things and she won't judge me. "I got home schooled." "Oh, daebak, I wish I had an private teacher." Soo Ra stated.

I scratched my head. "It wasn't like that Soo Ra. My parents couldn't afford for me to go to high school, so my eomma needed to teach me. But after I saved up my money I could go to Global Cyber Uni." Soo Ra looked at me with regret. "Mianhae, I didn't know."

"It's okay. It feels as a relieve to tell you this. I don't want to hide myself." I said back with a small smile. As we sat back on the couch I told her more about my youth and my struggles. For being an person, as well being an idol. While I spoke she listened very carefully and seemed to understand me.

"Well, I don't know much about being an idol, but I also knew what it was like to live with nothing." Soo Ra said, showing her compassion. "How come?" I asked. "If you want to tell it of course, I don't want to push you." I quickly added.

"It's okay to ask. It feels alright for me to tell you." Soo Ra said with her sweet smile. "As long as you don't tell the others, alright?" she quickly asked. "Of course not. I trusted you with my story, I hope you trust me too." I comforted her.

"Actually I don't know much about my family. I was left at the doorstep of the orphanage when I was a baby." Soo Ra started to tell. I listened to her without interrupting her.

"I lived there until I was 12. I was adopted by the most loving woman, my aunt. She found out my mother left me and brought me to her home. My parents and grandparents didn't agree that she would take care of me, so they broke contact with her."

"That must have been hard for you both?" I commented. "Yes is was, but it didn't stop her from taking care and loving me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her." Soo Ra smiled at the thought of her aunt.

"But what about your parents?" I asked her. "Well, they never wanted to meet me. Even though I would like to meet them someday. I think they were ashamed of the fact that they were that poor to raise me. I just want to have an answer to that."

I saw a slight tear coming down from her eyes. "You will get your answer one day. Don't cry, you're to pretty to cry." She blushed about my comment. "Do you need a hug?" I asked a bit shy. Without saying anything she put her arms around my waist and I hugged her back.

"Gwenchana Yoongi. Really, thank you for letting me share my story. I really appreciate that." Soo Ra said and I could feel her smile with her face against my chest. "Of course. And thanks to you too. I don't really open up fast towards a girl, but with you it goes without saying." I smiled back at her.

When we let go from the hug she looked at me with her beautiful eyes. Our faces were very close at the moment. I think we both felt some tense as we looked into each other's eyes...

RIIINGGGGG!!!!!! Soo Ra's phone rang. 'Why did it have to ring at this very moment?!' I thought a bit angrily about the moment which was ruined. Soo Ra quickly took the phone.


Soo Ra's POV:

Aish, did Aera really need to call me when I had a sweet moment with Yoongi?! I answered the phone. But before I could even say hi, I heard a loud scream from the other side. "UNNIE!! The boys told me what happened at the hall, are you fine? Do I need to call a doctor for you?"

"Yah!! I'm fine now, but if you keep screaming like that I will be deaf!" I said with a laugh. "But you are feeling better now?" Aera asked. "Yeah, Yoongi offered to stay over and made some soup for me." I smiled at the phone.

"Now I understand why you are feeling fine." I could feel Aera smirking on the other side. "Ha ha, very funny." I replied while looking over to Yoongi to check if he heard something. Luckily he was at his phone.

"But if you don't mind, I still want some rest." I said to Aera. "Of course! Let me know if you need anything!" "I will, thanks for checking up on me. Byee!!" I ended the call and looked at Yoongi.

"I was just thinking, I only have one bed...and a couch." I said. Yoongi looked up from his phone. "I'll sleep on the couch. No problem." "Really?" I asked concerned. "Really. Now do you want to watch a movie or sleep already?" Yoongi asked. "Let's watch a movie!"

When we were watching I suddenly got the chills, even though I still wore Yoongi's hoodie. "Are you cold? I'm warmer, you can cuddle against me if you want?" he said while blushing a bit.

"Mhm." I nodded and I laid my head against his chest. As he put his arms around me I could feel his warmth this instant. A bit later I felt my eyes getting heavier, eventually falling asleep in Yoongi's warm arms.


Next morning a sweet voice got me out of my dreams. "Soo Ra, wake up, it's morning." I opened my eyes to see myself cuddled up against Yoongi. "Sorry I fell asleep like this." I blushed at the thought of it.

"I didn't mind, but let's not tell the boys, okay?" Yoongi said with a smile. "Definitely not!" I agreed. "Now we need to get up, because I need to be at HYBE in 2 hours." Yoongi said and we both got ourselves ready.

"Thank you again for everything Yoongi." I said to him as he was leaving. "You can always call me if you need something, okay?" he spoke with a tender voice. "I will!" I hugged him goodbye and he left my apartment.

Well this is a night I won't forget for sure!                  

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