Chapter 13

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Soo Ra's POV:

How come he's avoiding at first, but super sweet after? The thought kept going through my mind the whole time. We were driving in his car for about 15 minutes now, and we still didn't stop somewhere. "How far yet?" I whined.

"Have patience, woman. We're almost there." Yoongi said to me with a laugh. "Alright, but at least tell me where we're going!" I tried again holding his arm desperately. "No, it's a surprise. Did your aunt not teach you any manners?" Yoongi looked at me. I sat back and crossed my arms, pouting like a little child.

After a few more minutes he stopped the car in a parking lot. I looked outside to see where we were, since I was more focused at the music playing than seeing the view. To my surprise, we were in front of the building with BTS's dorm. "Oh? Why are we here?" I got disappointed a little.

"Please women, chill. Just wait." I saw Yoongi slightly getting annoyed from me, so I decided to stop and surrender. "Fine." We walked inside and stepped into the elevator. Yoongi pressed the button to go to the rooftop. "Aren't we..." I was about to say until I saw Yoongi's look. "Mianhae." I quickly shut my mouth.

The elevators door opened, for me to see a beautiful scene. There was a wooden pavilion filled with lightbulbs and branches with flowers clutched around the pillars. Under the pavilion there was a picknick table which was set up with lots of different foods. And not to forget, there we're candles too.

My mouth dropped at the sight of this amazing scene. "I rather choose for the forest, but I'm an idol, and I don't like people, so we'll do it here." I raised my eyebrow at his statement for not liking people. "Well, except for BTS. And you of course." He corrected himself, showing again his gummy smile at me.

"Yoongi, this is just perfect. But let me ask one more question about this." I said. "Sure, ask away." "Why in the world did you drove around for 20 minutes, when we would be here anyway?" in the meantime we sat at the table. "I eh...I needed to buy the boys some time to set this up...for us." Yoongi blushed while stroking his hair back.

"Gamsahabnida for all of this. You really didn't have to do this." I gave him a bright smile before attacking onto the food. There were ramen noodles, different kinds of meat, vegetables, sauces and rice. "'s really delicious." I exclaimed with my mouth full of food.

"I'm glad you like it." Yoongi chuckled and continued eating. After we ate what our stomachs could handle, we cleaned the table a bit. "Just leave the rest. I'll clean it tomorrow morning." Yoongi said.

"What do you want to do now?" Yoongi looked over to me. "I've never been to the night markets. I know you hate crowds, so we won't stay there for too long, okay?" I asked with a pout. "I can survive a crowd for a night." He laughed. We walked to the night market since it was nearby.

I was amazed by the small streets with the little stands at the side of the road. Each stand had a lot of people around it. We walked through the crowd and glanced to the stands to see what they were selling. "The streets are still filled at this time of evening." I saw on my phone it was 8:30pm already.

Then I saw a stand with all kinds of jewellery. I walked to it and looked at the stuff there was. Yoongi stood next to me, inspecting a few watches. Suddenly my eyes fell onto a bracelet. "Yoongi! Look how pretty this is!" I called over to him and he fallowed my gaze.

It was a small silver bracelet with different kinds of charms on it. It contained a musical note, a small heart, butterfly, and a charm with the Hand of Fatima. And you could even add more as you like! "Ahjussi, how much for this bracelet?" I asked the elder man behind the stand. "34.000 won, my child." He answered with a smile.

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