Chapter 34

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Soo Ra's POV:

A small stroke of sunlight entered our room through the curtains. I woke up sleepy and checked the time. It was 9:30 am already, but I didn't feel like coming out of bed as my stomach still hurt a bit from last night.

Thinking about last night made me blush every time. After the sex we took a quick shower to get rid of the sweat from the heated session. And as soon as we hit our bed, we fell asleep in each other's arms. It was a night to remember forever.

I looked over to Yoongi's side, but he was already awake and gone. So I closed my eyes to get a little more rest. After what seemed like 30 minutes I heard the door open. I opened my eyes again and looked at the direction of the door.

Yoongi came in with a tray with different kinds of food. "Good morning jagi." Yoongi sweetly smiled and walked over to me. "Morning Yoongi." I answered back as I sat straight in bed. He placed the tray on my lap and gave me a deep kiss.

"How sweet of you to bring me breakfast at bed. You may do this everyday tho." I jokingly said. "Yah, I made this specially for you, don't take it for granted now or you might never get this again." He mocked back at me while laughing.

"Dith cho eawt awlready?" I asked him with my mouth stuffed with food. "Soo Ra, please finish your food before you talk. And yes, I ate already." Yoongi answered me. After I finished my food I took the tray and walked towards the kitchen.

Yoongi followed me all the way and kept staring at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked while I put the dishes inside the dishwasher. "I don't know..." Yoongi paused for a bit. "You don't know?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You just look different after last night." Yoongi mischievously answered and my cheeks turned red from thinking about that night. "I hope it's different in a positive way." I mocked him. "Don't blush jagi." He put his arms around my waist and looked at me.

"You just look really pretty with that glow on your face." Yoongi said, which made me blush even harder. "How are you feeling?" Yoongi asked. "My stomach just hurts a little bit." I honestly said. "Do you need meds or a pitcher?" He put up a worried face after hearing my answer.

"Ani, I'll be fine. It's not that bad anyway." I comforted him and his worried face turned into a smirk. "Or was I too big?" He laughed at seeing my wide eyes. "Yah! Hajima!" I shouted and tried to push him away, but he had a tight grip on me.

"I'm sorry jagi, do you forgive me?" He pouted with puppy eyes. "How could I not forgive such a cute dork?" I jokingly said as I ruffled his hair. "Anyways, what do you want to do today?" He asked me.

"Nothing much, to be honest." I answered. "I had the idea to go to the famous teddy bear museum?" Yoongi's eyes looked hopeful at me. "Sorry jagi, but I don't feel to well and I'm tired." I responded. "But we can go tomorrow?" I said quickly, seeing him sadly pouting.

"Deal!" He replied happily.


It was early in the morning, but there was already a line of people waiting to enter the museum. Finally the door opened and we walked over to the counter to get our tickets. "Two tickets please, ahjumma." I asked the woman behind the desk.

The woman gave us the tickets and we both paid for them before we entered the museum. "I really wonder who came to the idea to make a museum for teddy bears?" I asked myself. "Well, teddy bears are cute." Yoongi simply answered.

"Fair enough." I replied as we walked through the museum and admired the artwork that was created with countless of teddy bears. "WHOAHH!!" I shouted as I saw a giant teddy bear standing next to a few smaller teddy bears.

I walked, well, actually ran towards the bear and took my phone out of my pocket. I made a few selca's with the bear while Yoongi looked at me as if I was crazy. "What?" I asked him. "You just look cute being so damn small compared to the giant bear." Yoongi said with a grin on his face.

"As a punishment you need to make a selca with me and the bear." I grabbed his wrist and put him beside me and took a few shots. "You look so bored when you're wearing you mask and cap." I complained to him.

"You know I'm wearing this outside so I can't be recognised." Yoongi explained again. "I know, that's a perk of dating a famous idol." I shrugged and walked on to see more of the teddy bears at the museum.

As we reached the end of the exhibition, we arrived at the gift shop which was also full with teddy bears. From keychains to huge plush teddy bears. "Oh my god!! So cute!" I screamed as my eyes landed on a middle sized, plush teddy which hold a heart in his paws.

I pointed at it to show to Yoongi. "I'm going to buy it definitely!" I said enthusiastically as I picked up the bear and walked over to the cashier. "That'll be 25.000 won please." The young lady said as she scanned the bear.

I reached inside my purse to find my wallet, until I saw Yoongi giving the lady cash money. "You don't have to advance it Yoongi." I said in surprise. "I don't advance jagi." Yoongi smiled at me.

"You're lucky with him Miss, not many boyfriends are so generous." The lady smiled at us. "Wait. So you're giving this bear to me?!" I asked even more surprised. "Yes, Soo Ra. It's a gift from me." Yoongi smiled at me.

"There you go. Have a nice day!" the lady handed me the bag with the bear and we left the store. "Thank you so much!!" I exclaimed and gave Yoongi a big hug. "You're welcome." Yoongi answered.

"What do you want to do for the rest of the days left?" I asked Yoongi. "I heard there is a beautiful mountain to hike with amazing views and waterfalls." Yoongi suggested. "Sounds good. Arae also recommended the huge market here at Jeju." I added to the suggestions. "Then let's do it both. We still got two days left, as we need to leave on the third day." Yoongi proposed.


Unfortunately the days went by and it was already the last day of our trip. We packed all our stuff and loaded our car. "Ready to go?" Yoongi asked me. "Not really." I said with a mischievous look on my face. "What do you mean?" Yoongi responded with a suspicious look on his face.

I took a little gift box out of my purse and handed it over to him. He carefully opened the box, which revealed two bracelets, black and blue, made from braided ropes with silver magnets on it. When the two magnets collided, they formed a heart together.

"Jagi...these are so pretty." Yoongi looked at the bracelets in amazements. "Shall we put them on?" I proposed and Yoongi nodded. I took the black bracelet and put the bracelet on his wrist, and he did the same to me with the blue bracelet.

"Thank you so much Soo Ra. Not just for these amazing bracelets, but for the whole week together. I love you." Yoongi put his arms around me and pressed a small kiss on my lips. "Thank you also for everything. I love you too." I told him too.

"Now we need to go before we miss the flight." Yoongi laughed while he let go of me. "I really couldn't care if we would be stuck here, to be honest." I joked while getting into the car. "Well, then I will have to fight with Sejin and I really don't want that." Yoongi said and drove us to the airport. 

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