"All right we gotta go guys it's fangs" Jughead says and I get up

"Do you want me to come with you?" Archie asks
"No I'd stay and get a couple extra hours cramming in" jug says

"If anyones gonna get you up to speed it's gonna be Betty" I say and him and I go to meet fangs in the bunker

"Jughead, Avery I'm in" fangs says

"Tell us everything what happened?" Jughead asks

"The gargoyle king. The other guys told me that he's impressed by my fizzle rocks sales so he wants to invite me into his inner circle they're having a ceremony tomorrow night he'll be there" fangs says

Jug claps "fangs this is huge where's it happening" he asks

"A clearing in fox forest not too far from here what do you want me to do" fangs asks

"I want you to go don't worry your gonna have back up" Jughead says and I jug fangs

That night we get a welcome home part planned at the speak easy

"What is what is all this?" Archie asks

"We'll it was going to be a study party but that was before you came back home to us so now it's a study/ welcome home party Archie complete with s musical amuse Bouche provided by moi so take a seat lover and let me entertain you" v says

We all sit down I sit with sweet pea in the back

She sings in Spanish to him.

I look and see Reggie looks uncomfortable I get up and go lean down next to him "you ok" I ask him and he looks at me and nods his head then Archie jumps up and runs out.

"Come with me" I say to Reggie and he sighs and rolls his eyes I take him to the back of pops.

"What's going on Reg I can tell something is bothering you?" I ask him

"I kissed Ronnie but she kissed me back, now Archie is back and she wants to pretend it never happened" Reggie says

"Wow Reg." I scoff "listen Archie and v are together again meaning your gonna have to sit back and let v choose and if it's not you then you need to back off, Archie is your best friend. Don't lose that cuz you and v got close while he was running for his life. You would look like a shitty friend Reg. And I know your not" I say and say his shoulder before walking away

The next night we go as fangs back up.

Me jug and FP take out the guards quietly

"Now" jug screams and we all run in

"Sweet pea get fangs" I hear jug yells

I grab fangs with sweet pea and jug takes the "kings" mask off

He looks up at us "tall boy?" FP says

And we all look at each other in shock.

We were now in the bunker beating him for answers

"We all thought you were dead tall boy" FP says after hitting him

"I can't believe you almost branded fangs" I growl stepping to him but fangs grabs my arm and pulls me back

"Where you been hiding?" FP asks taking his jacket off

"A small towns called Athens. gotta say, it's good to be back" tall boy says spitting blood

"Don't get to comfortable" I say and spit at him

"Alice cooper, she was looking extra sweet the night me and my boys broke into her house and scared the crap out of her and her bitch daughter that was fun-" tall boy says and I pull myself from fangs and hit him in the face.

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