"Don't be jealous my sweets he's just my long distance friend" I say to him

"I'm not" he says even though I can see he's lying.

The next night Jughead calls all of us

"Serpents earlier today I brokered a deal I got us a paid gig, and Avery your sister she wants you to come back and help her manage everything. From here on out we'll be working security details for Veronica lodge and Avery lodge, their speakeasy and their employees" Jughead says

"Long live the serpents whoo!" Sweet pea yells

"Settle down I know it's good news for a change, but I also gathered us here for a less celebratory reasons. Cheryl, Toni come up here" Jughead says

"Excuse me? What did we do" Cheryl asks

"You broke into the lodge apartment and stole a glamorous egg" jug says and Cheryl stands up

"So what if we did?" Cheryl asks

"We'll more than that you left your calling card, attaching yourself and by extension all of the serpents to your crime" Jughead says

"I'm not afraid of lodge what's he gonna do, call the sheriff? Oh right there is no sheriff." Cheryl says

"Cheryl that's not the point you broke the code turn in your jackets and go" jug says

"Are you serious jones? I'm a serpent by blood you can't take that away from me" Toni says

"You hypocrite you give your drug dealing buddy fangs a pass but you crucify us?" Cheryl asks and I get in front of fangs

"Don't speak to him" I growl

"In case you were wondering how we know fangs told sweet pea and Avery. And sweet pea told me" Toni says
"Who told me" Cheryl says

"If you're asking for our jackets shouldn't you be asking for his as well?" Cheryl asks

"Jug" Betty says

"No" I say to jug and he looks at the ground

"You're right" Jughead says to Cheryl "fangs give me your jacket" jug says

"Hey what the hell man" sweet pea says walking up to jug and I grab fangs

"Hell no" I growl

"It's ok sweet pea, Avery" fangs says looking down at me

"It's not fair fangsy" I say to him

"It is fair I knew the law and I broke it" he says to me and smiles and walks up to Jughead

He takes his jacket off and throws it on the ground

"Some leader you are" fangs says to him And walks away
"Fangs" sweets says and pushes Jughead

"I hope your happy Jughead" I say say run after fangs with him but FP stops sweets and me.

"Cheryl, Toni" Jughead says

"We'll go but we're keeping our jackets" Cheryl says

"Fine but I need that egg back" Jughead says

"Come again?" Cheryl asks

"You need to give me that damn egg, or Veronica won't give us the protection contract" jug says

"Why the hell would I care? I'm not a serpent anymore" Cheryl says

"Because I believe that you still have honor Cheryl and it's getting cold out and the rest of us don't get to go back to thistlehouse" Jughead asks

That night I listened to sweet pea go on and on about Jughead and how he's an asshole.

The next day I go with some serpents to protect Reggie

"Trash the cargo, all of it" I hear

"I -I wouldn't do that if I were you" Reggie says they open it and FP strikes and we jump out

I take my crow bar as sweet pea takes a bat

"Let go of my friend" I say to the one holding Reggie and I chase him

"I tried to tell you" Reggie says to the one on the ground

"Pick him up" Jughead says sweets and FP do

"I want you to go back to your gargoyle king, or your man in black or hiram lodge and I want you to tell him that Veronica lodge is now under the protection of the serpents and that riverdale has not fallen. Go" Jughead says before pushing him

I pat reggies back and we get back into the truck

Later that night Jughead and I and sweets and FP go and see fangs

"Fangs my dad and I were talking we wanna give you another shot at redemption" Jughead says

"What are you thinking?" Jughead asks

"We want you to go undercover join the gargoyle gang we need a man on the inside of hiram lodges drug operation so that we can take him down. Are you in?" Jughead asks

"It's be an honor" fangs says and I jump on him and hug him

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