"Tommy lately I've just not been feeling right" Betty sings "I'm so ashamed of how we've all been treating Carrie white, now I realize this is hardly your concern I hate to drag you into this. But I've got no where else to turn, do me a favor" Betty sings to Archie

It gets brought over to v "there's somethin that Carrie white'll just have to learn, if she plays with fire she's gonna get burned I want her to pay up for all that she's cost me, and make her good and sorry that she ever crossed me. You gotta help me if you help me" v sings

They join each other "I could even up this debt, and we could both give Carrie white a night she won't forget do me a favor" they both sing together

"Think of Carrie I've said everything I could but one small act of kindness might change Carrie's life for good" Betty sings

"Fine" Archie and chuck sings

"Come on come on" b and v sing

"Okay okay okay" the boys sing

They all start singing their own parts at the same time.

"I'm begging I'm pleading I'm down on my knees" the girls sing

"If you really love me well then baby baby please do me a favor" they all sing

After rehearsal I go and meet up with Betty and Jughead who shows us the note kev found

"No way is this legit" Betty says showing me it "I agree he's dead" I say "it's def a kid who didn't get a part and is acting out" I say

"Yeah it's a legit threat but it's definitely not from the real black hood" jug says "this is a classic phantom of the opera tactic mystery man send menacing note demanding a certain diva soprano gets recast or else" jug says

"Well who's to say this letter came from a mystery man at all" Betty says emphasizing 'man'

"That's a good point" Jughead says

Betty and I go and talk to Ethel

"Hey Ethel" I say "that looks good" Betty says to her

"Someone picked out all the m&ms from the trail mix" Ethel says I look over and nod at Jughead who was recording us

"Ugh that's terrible" Betty says
"People suck" I say
"It's probably Cheryl" Betty says
"She's always taking things she shouldn't" I say and Betty nods agreeing with me
"Like the role of Carrie's from you" Betty says

"That's nice of you to say" Ethel says smiling

"For Kevin to have cast Cheryl as Carrie without even letting you audition" Betty says and Ethel nods her head
"Would you say you feel angry?" I ask

"I mean I was born to play Carrie, so not to be given a shot at it yeah it makes me angry" Ethel says and Betty looks at Jughead with makes Ethel look

He drops down but we could obviously see him

"Wait is Jughead filming us" Ethel asks

"What oh no no" Betty says "he's shooting b roll" I say and he walks in
"Look I have no idea what you're trying to get me to admit but I am not a violent person and for the record any record I would never do anything to threaten or harm anybody for my own benefit ever" Ethel says and storms out

I go and hangout with the serpents and go over everything for the play with fangs.

The next day I'm up on stage with Cheryl
(I took Josie's part sorry)

"In this scene gym teacher mrs gardener is being a friend when our girl has none out of sheer kindness" kev says

"Good luck with that" Josie says to me

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