"Who was that?" I ask "it was your dad he said to keep a close eye on you there are some shady people in town and he wants to make sure your safe" he says

"I wouldn't need to be kept safe if he wasn't a conman" I say and kiss him "yeah but humor me and just stand around me so I know your ok" he asks and I nod my head "whatever you want" I say

We get to school and sweet pea is pissed at Jughead

"You promised us a war. Then you're on stage looking like buddy holly, sucking up to the north side" he says

"We need their votes sweet pea it's the only way that we can affect any change whoever elected gets a seat on the school board that mean we're on the inside that means that they can't silence us" Jughead says

"you and the north side princess you mean" fangs says and I sigh as they speak on how much they hate the north side here I was a north sider still.

"Wait is that why you guys are pissed? Betty's on our side" Jughead asks

"Yeah, I've helped the serpents on numerous occasions I helped find the Pickens statues head, I got Cheryl to testify in court so FP your king could get early parole" Betty says

"You did all that for your boyfriend not the serpents" sweet pea says

"Alright take it down sweet pea" jug says

"What it only matters of time before she bails on us just like her mother" sweet pea says

"Okay so your objections aren't even about me they're about my mom, and what about Avery she is a north sider her dad is literally who you are waging a war against" Betty says

"Her legacy yeah she's an enemy of the serpent state, taking shots at us in the register for years, blaming us for crimes we didn't commit running with a turncoats daughter is a slap in the face and for that reason alone, you're not getting the serpent vote. And Avery might be a northsider but she's proven time after time she is on our side not mine all of ours she's fed us information about her dad even though she's putting herself in danger, she got our dress codes taken away, she jumped in front of a gun for me and fangs and our pal and she stayed at the school even though she almost got frost bite so in my book she's a southsider by heart" sweet pea finishes

I sigh and give him a disappointed look "you know where I stand jug. You have my vote even if you don't have theirs" I say before storming off

I meet Toni in the gym and I see Josie and Veronica.

"What do you mean Cheryl's missing?" V asks
"Do you remember how paranoid Cheryl was at her slumber party saying that her mom and uncle were out to get her?" Toni asks
"Well we think they did something to her" Toni says
"What kind of something?" Josie asks
"Her mom said they sent her off to some all girls boarding school In Switzerland" Toni says
"Well that's easy enough to check there's only one surval montreux" v says
"She's not in any of the schools in Switzerland or around boarding school and not I've checked" I say
"And please if Cheryl was in the Swiss alps, she'd be posting selfies parka selfies every hour, but her social medias been dead for days" Toni says

"Wait that's a sure sign of foul play" v agrees

"Yeah" Toni and I agree
"Whatever you need Toni, Avery, I'm in" v says

"Me too even if we have to storm thistlehouse" Josie says

Later we all went over to the thistlehouse and sat down with her mom

"Now that you've barged your way in go ahead girls ask your questions" Penelope says

"You said Cheryl was away at some boarding school?" Toni asks

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