"Thank you" I say "good luck with pops" I say and go to the wyrm.

I play pool with fangs while sweet pea watches us

"So fangs meet any girls at school or guys I don't know what you into" I say and fangs chuckles and looks up at sweetpea who's smiling

"No I haven't I don't really talk to many northsiders besides you anyway" he says and makes a shot "ha beat that" he says

"Oh fangsy" I say I go an sit on the edge of the pool table and put the stick behind my back

"Your gonna miss" fangs says

I take the shot and make two. Sweetpea starts clapping

"That's my girl" he says I look at the shocked fangs and blow him a kiss and give him a wink.

"Your turn" I say smiling

I get a phone call from my dad " hello dad" I say

"Get home now, don't speak to anyone i sent Andre to get you in guessing your on the southside" he says
I walk away from sweet pea who gives me a weird look "I'm at the wyrm is everything ok?" I ask

"No it's not mija we have a traitor upon us" he says and hangs up I turn around to see sweet pea and I walk over to him

"If anyone asks I haven't been hanging out with Jughead and we never speak about my dad" I say and fangs looks at me

"Is everything ok" sweet pea asks

"No I think he suspects in a traitor I have to go deal with this" I say

"What no he's dangerous" sweet pea says

"Let me teach you a word sweets deniability plus he would never hurt me" I say I kiss him hard

"I love you" I say and I leave

Once I get home I walk into my fathers study where v and my mom are I sit down

"Apparently, Jughead jones is asking questions about the ownership of the chock'lit shoppe" he says and then slams his hand on the desk and screams "Jughead jones!"

"Daddy" v says

"Did pop rate keep his mouth shut?" My mother asks
"More or less" he says
"Then Jughead has nothing" she says
"No what he has is someone from our inner circle feeding him information now the only people that know that we own pops are the four of us" he says looking at me then looks at v "and Archie Andrew's and yes he's proven his loyalty to us but what's to say he isn't feeding information to his best pal, jug" my dad says

"It was me" I say I stand up "I told Jughead about pops" I say

"What why" my parents say

"When we were all hanging out he was grilling me and v about the southside asking incessant questions about the sodale, the trailer park, southside high I had to get him off the scent and to leave v alone so I distracted him with the smallest truth I could, the diner" I say

"Avery, so help me, that is a" he starts and my mom grabs me and cuts him off "that was quick thinking mija" she says

"What" my dad asks "you can't possibly think that was a prudent choice" he says

"I do, Avery wisely threw the dog a little relatively harmless bone to keep him from digging up a much bigger more controversial one" my mom says

"Yes exactly" I say
"Her gambit bought us the time we need for some preemptive damage control" my mom says

"Ojala you two are right" my dad says

I leave and v catches me "it was Archie wasn't it" she asked and I nod my head "yes he convinced me to go with him to Jughead" I say and she stormed out

I call sweet pea "hey you ok?" He asks
"Yes I will tell you all about it in person" I say
"Ok you wanna come over I can come get you" he asks
"Yes please I would love that" I say "ok I'm on my way" he says and hangs up

He picks me up and we go to his house and I tell him what happened

"Wow so you just saved Andrew's, you didn't have to do that" he says

"I gained more trust so hopefully he will tell me his plan for the southside soon" I say

"I love you too" he says and I look at him "what?" I ask him "before you left you said you loved me I just wanted you to know I love you too" he says a smile appears on my face and I lean over and kiss him.

The next day Jughead calls me and I sit down with him and Betty and find out everything

"Hiram lodge is diabolically insane" Betty says

"Agreed we need to show riverdale just how insane he is" Jughead says "I'm in Jughead" I say Betty stands up "this is the best thing you've ever written jug principal weatherbee needs to publish this right the hell now" Betty says

"Let's go" Jughead says

I sit down with the three "this is an incredible story mr jones" weatherbee says

"Thank you principal weatherbee" jug says

"Unfortunately it's not one that the blue and gold can print" he says

"Why the heck not" Betty says

"A malicious take down of two of our students parents is not appropriate subject matter for the school paper" he says

"I am one of those students and I say print it" I tell me "if you will excuse me" he says and we leave

I stand with my family as my mother is running for mayor I stand in the crowd with Jughead

"Can I stay with you for a while?" I ask him
"Yeah sure" he says

That night I go and pack a few bags before going to sweet peas "hey I'm staying with Jughead for awhile but can I stay with you for the night?" I ask him.

He lets me in and we talk about everything that I found out

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