"He's the one who should be in the hot seat I mean he's the one who roofied Cheryl and tried to assault her" v continues

"Prosecuting Nick at Clair would be difficult given all the witnesses were high" sherif said

"But Josie and I saw Nick with Cheryl the night after the party, and neither of us were on jingle jangle" she continues

"The drug stays in your system for three days so if I drug tested you right now, you have a credibility problem" sheriff says

"But the symptoms don't, and everyone in this room knows that for damn sure." I say still standing up

"Josie you took that drug? You put that poison in your system knowing the way your fathers struggled with addiction?" Mayor asks and Josie cry's and nods her head

"I see, from this moment on, bringing the south side under control is my number one priority as mayor if it means razing it to the ground or arresting every single serpent in sight starting at that high school so be it" mayor finishes

"What the hell you can't do that" I yell and Archie stands up and grabs me

"Yes I can and I will, let's go Josephine, now!" She continues

Me and Archie make a plan and jump in the truck I start texting sweet pea

Me: get your friends and leave?

He didn't reply

Me: sweets plz you need to go, answer me

Me: it's all my fault I'm so sorry.

Once we get there Archie goes for jug

"Sweet pea" I scream looking for him jug and Archie run up to me

"Come on let's go" he says

"No not without sweet pea" I say I see the police come in and I see sweet pea

"Sweet pea!" I scream he's looking at his phone he looks up at me and Archie picks my up. Sweet pea starts walking to me as Archie Carrie's me out I watch as he gets thrown up against the lockers I break out of his grasp and hit the door as it closes seeing sweet pea hit the lockers.

We leave I get home and quickly walk over to the sheriff station where he's holding everyone.

Sweet pea is up against the bars as I walk in he looks up and sees me so does Toni and fangs

Sheriff Keller walks up to me and grabs my arm but I pull out of his grasp and I point to them.

"You have nothing on them!" I say to him

"If they have nothing on them they will be out in 24 hours Avery" he says

I see Reggie walk in with the police he walks past me and goes into the holding cells I run in and grab him. Sheriff Keller grabs my arm

"Are you happy Reginald, did you get what you want?" I ask him "if you love me still at all you won't lie, cuz I know exactly which one your gonna say did it. Don't do it just because your mad at me" I say struggling to get out of sheriffs grasp

"Ms lodge if you don't go I will throw you in the cell" he says

"Then do it" I growl Reggie grabs me and pulls me out

"Go home, come get him tomorrow" he says to me and walks back into the room. I sigh and finally leave realizing there's nothing I can do.

I go and find Archie and jughead at pops

"What do you care anyways, man I thought you and Betty wanted nothing to do with me, right?" jug head asks Archie

"It's official I can't get them out until tomorrow if they can't find anything to stick them with" I say sitting down next to Archie.

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