I Went For It

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Akito's POV:

It's hard, and lonely, saying goodbye. They say that after goodbye, comes 'hello', and that all new beginnings come from endings. Cliché's can wait... I don't wanna hear them right now. Cry with me, please. There's nothing we can do. It's over. So please... just cry with me. Sob with me. Scream with me. Feel with me. We lost what we had, and we're left with no guarantee's. Cry with me for the terror of living in this new world. As we cling to hope for tomorrow... please, do this much. Cry.. cry... and cry. Like we did when we were first born into the world. Goodbye... goodbye... goodbye.

Y/n's POV:

The god motioned his hand at me, telling me to go with him.

We traveled to the rat, but once I got close, a bridge appeared in a blue aura.

"You're the last one." God spoke to a silhouette.

That silhouette turned around, and became a person. A person I knew.


"Just you now." The god continued as he sat down. A ghost like rat appeared in front of Yuki. "You kept the promise for so long."

The rat ran towards the gods hands, and I sat down next to them.

"It's time to go now, but... thank you. Thank you." God stood up, and held a hand out to me to help me as well. He walked back over to where we were before and continued talking, "The orginal memory, forgotten by everyone. The original promise... goodbye."

I walked over to Yuki, who covered his mouth in tears, and smiled.

Taking both of his hands, I said, "Be strong, and stay strong, Yuki."

And after that, everything disappeared.

I woke up the next morning to a nurse asking me to get up. She told me that my recorvery was pretty much complete and that I could go home a bit early.

I obviously accepted the offer and changed into some clothing that was in the store near the cafeteria downstairs. I started walking out, excited to see everyone... especially Momiji.

Just then, a vision came to me, like the ones from last night.

God stood there, with a smile on his face.

"My friend. You've stuck with me, day in and day out, even though you've broken the rules." A small glowing blue orb floated away, into the gods hands. "But, despite that... you were kind. So, stay that way, and continue to help others who are struggling, and may they see the light in you. Find your happiness. Goodbye, my dear friend."

And with that, God threw the orb into the air and that orb exploded into a firework...

It all disappeared.

I started tearing up and crying. I wanted to sob and scream. Why did I feel so... empty?

Is this the feeling of my rope snapping? Am I free?

I walked over to a nearby bench and sat down, thinking about what had just happened.

I continued to cry, resting my elbows on my knees, hands hiding my eyes.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Momiji's voice could be heard.

I looked up to see him standing right there. He stared at me, concern written all over his face.


Without any thought, I sprung up and hugged him. His warmth felt so nice. Being held by him was just replenishing.

"What happened... why are you upset?" He asked me.

I pulled my face out of his shoulder and struggled to speak.

"Take a deep breath. What happened?"

"The curse... I-... I broke it."

Momiji's face was pure shock, he couldn't even speak.

"F-for who?"

"Everyone, including me!"

"That's-! That's wonderful!" Momiji hugged me again, giggling too.

I pulled his face towards mine in an instant, with excitement and thrill. I looked into his eyes, and my stomach developed that same feeling as before.

His eye's glistened such a beautiful hazel color, and then... I went for it.

I placed my lips on his, they were as soft as ever. He wasn't hesitent to kiss back, if anything he was ready for it. Was I that easy to read?

Oh well, this moment was just perfect anyways.

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora