My Sun

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The Council 'emergency' was just a fluke set by Kakeru to get us all to hang out together.

Stupid, I know.

A few days passed, but one night Tohru asked a strange question.

"Y/n... do you..."

"Spit it out." I spoke.

"Do you know anything about Kureno...?" She looked back up to me from previously looking at the ground.

"Well, he's a busy man to say the least. Being Akito's 'right hand man'. He's always been around me, every time Akito visited me when I was young." I was trying to think, what was he like? "He's the one who took me places, like every time I went to Ayame's shop. He never really spoke though, and if he did it was something like, 'We should get going now' or something other than 'fun' or 'amusing'."

"Hmm." Tohru hummed.

"Other than that, I've really got nothing. Sorry." I slightly chuckled.

After school today, I saw Momiji walking home alone. I had nothing to do so I decided to tag along.

"Hey Lemon." I said with a smile as I caught up to him.

"Cherry! What are you doing here?" He questioned, stopping in his tracks.

"Mind if I come along?" I asked with an upbeat gesture.

"What about the Sohma Estate? Are you sure you can go there?" Momiji asked, concerned and worried.

"Well, I'll have you by my side so... what could possibly go wrong?" I took his hand. "I trust you. And besides, I wanna hang out with you!"

Momiji smiled, "Sure then!"

We got up to the estate and made our way to the gate. The guards let us in, knowing that we're both Sohma's.

Momiji led me to his home.

It was small, a basic unit of three main rooms. A bedroom, bathroom, and a very small 'kitchen' where only a table and two chairs were placed.

It wasn't too bad for living on his own, and being a kid at that.

"Where do you go to eat?" I questioned him.

"Usually Hatori's, or if it's before work with Torhu, I sometimes get take-out." He stuck his tongue out playfully with a smile.

"Oh." I said, in a reassuring tone.

"You have nothing to worry about! I can manage on my own, can't you tell?" He asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I can... you're growing up faster than me." I chuckled.

"That's not true!" Momiji stated.

"Momiji..." I asked.

"Yes, Y/n?" He asked back, tilting his head.

"Would you mind if... maybe I ate dinner with you?" I asked. "Like, I mean, after school! It doesn't have to be every night either, I just-."

I became panicky like Tohru.

"You mean it?" Momiji said, making me confused.


"YAY!" He replied, jumping around with his hands up. "I would love that!"

I smiled and chuckled at his pureness.

He kept jumping around, chanting the words, 'Y/n's gonna eat with me, I won't be alone!' Over and over.

I'm glad this could work out, honestly.

I need someone so incredibly upbeat in my life... he's, recently, seemed to help me...

In a way words can't explain.

It's weird to say... but I really do believe that he's changed me. In a good way... no... a great way.

He's filled this hole I never knew could be filled.

His pure delight to everything positive I say.

I can truly believe in him, trust him... I could even sign my soul away to him, and he'd never tear it, no matter what.

"Hey, is that a violin?" I asked Momiji, making his attention go to a corner in his bedroom.

"Oh, yeah!" He said running over to it and picking it up.

"You know how to play?" I continued.

"Yeah, but I quit taking classes." Momiji said.

"Why is that?"

"Well, my little sister started taking classes from my same teacher, and unfortunately, I'm not allowed to speak or even see her. It would be dangerous..."

"Did your parents... forget about you?" I gulped at my own words.

"Yeah, just my mutta, though."

"So I'm guessing, this girl is your little sister?"

"Yep! And she's the cutest thing too!" Momiji's mood lightened up.

"I bet!"

"Wanna hear me play?" Momiji smiled.

"Yes, of course!"

"That's absolutely beautiful... Momiji, you're amazing." I smiled. "That song could bring tears to thousands of eyes, just by those notes that you play so smoothly without thinking!"

"It's not that special-."

"Shh! It is, this talent is amazing. I can't get things right with instruments, my fingers do the wrong things and I can't think fast enough... but you can! That's a level higher than me."

"Who said I was at a different level than you?" Momiji spoke.

"Me, and deal with it Lemon." I smiled.

He giggled and placed the violin back up, underneath his chin and on top of his shoulder.

"Ah, yes, keep playing." I said closing my eyes as he then started the same notes that just gave off serotonin.

He kept the song going longer, I softly hummed to it's tune but at a volume to where only I could hear it.

My peace came to me, only around Momiji.

It's strange to say the least... he's so kind, yet he's such a ball of energy.

He's like the sun to my moon...

Is that weird to say?

Maybe to others, but I don't mind.

Not one bit.

(Here's your double update loves<3)

Shifting Souls | Fruits Basket Story (Momiji x Y/n)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu