Bring Out the Best in Us

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"Right, about that." I said scratching the back of my head. "I gave them nicknames."

"Them? Meaning Kyon too?" Uochan acknowledged.

"Yep!" I said confidently with a laugh and Uochan joined in.

"God, that's amazing!" She said as she wiped away the tears from laughter.

Tohru then walked over to Momiji, again, in a worried mom way.

"Look at her. She's worked so hard." Hanachan said, stopping our laughter. "Even if she's worried right now, she's still cheerful. To get to this point, she must've talked herself out of countless dark moments."

"You couldn't be more on point with me. I was thinking the same thing." I commented.

"But I think... if she died, I wouldn't be able to smile for a year." Saki continued.

"Make that my whole life. I know I haven't known her for incredibly long, but something about her makes me fill up with so much joy. More than ever before." I said then looking down to my hands.

"Same goes for me." Uochan said bumping me with her elbow. I looked over to her and she smiled.

The rest of the school day went smoothly, as we went from class to class which felt like a lifetime. What a pain school is, especially since I also have to worry about getting hugged or bumped into every 5 seconds in the hall.

Yes, Tohru has discussed the hugging thing to Hanachan and Uochan, but in a way that's like 'Y/n doesn't have a liking to hugs because of bad family past experiences'. They took it and let it be, making sure no one hugged me in such way.

I'm so glad I have friends like them, what would I do without 'em?


"Hey, just so you guy's know. I'm going. To the gravesite." Kyo said while walking up the stairs as me an Yuki were headed out to walk Tohru home from work.

We left without saying a word.

As we grew closer to Tohru's work building...

"Why is today the day you decided to come with me, Y/n?" Yuki asked me after such bitter silence.

"Oh, so now, when we're already only a turn away from Tohru's work, is when you decide to ask why I'm already out here?" I said rolling my eye's. "Why can't I just come, to come?"

"Hmm, good question." Yuki said.

"No! Ya knuckle head!" I said with my palm in my face. I chuckled as I put my hand back down into the pocket of my jeans. "Look, I'm just trying to check on Tohru as much as possible. She's been through some tough times from what I've heard. It's the best thing to do, when it comes down to something so serious."

"Oh. Well, Miss Honda is something special. I've never seen someone quite like her." Yuki said with a warm smile.

Once we arrived, Tohru was surprised that I was there as well. We walked home in a comfortable silence as we took in the nice cold breeze of the night.


I got my black dress on -->

I got my black dress on -->

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