Unfortunate Times

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When I got to the door, I had expected Momiji and was gonna tell him to just go and leave, but this time when I opened the door, it was Yuki.

Yuki's POV:

I can't believe I'm doing this. What's even the point? She might get in trouble if I do, but Kyo went... Shigure went...

I brought my hand to the door and knocked. Closing my eyes tight when the door opened.

"Hello." A sweet voice said.

I looked and it was a careworker.

She must've been new because I have never seen her before, she was also very young. She seemed to be around her early 20's.

"Hi, I'm here to see Y/n... S-Sohma." Why would I say 'Sohma'? Everyone in the main house must be a Sohma! Agh.

"Right, give me one second." She said as she closed the door.

I waited only a minute or two and the door opened once again, but it was Hatori.

When I noticed it was him, I quickly started looking at the ground.

"Yuki?" He questioned.

I was too scared to look up, or say anything.

"You're here for Y/n? At the Main House?"

I nodded my head, up and down.

"Y-yes." I replied, shakily.

"Well, I'm sorry but, Y/n can't take visiters at this time." Hatori spoke as he was about to shut the door, but I stopped him.

"Please." I practically begged.

"I know you really want to but you can't. She is ok and she is safe, that's all you need to know."

"No, I want to see her."

"Look you can't-."

I just decided to walk past him.

"Yuki, stop!" He said with a stern voice.

I was so scared but at this point I didn't care.

"Yuki~." A voice sung. "It's nice to see you here."


He stood in front of me, voice as sharp as it used to be.

I didn't speak or move, I was trapped between Akito and Hatori. I didn't have a clue on what to do.

"I know you're here to see your little friend." Akito smiled, placing a hand on my chin to pull my face up from the ground. "She's pathetic, always has been."

"No!" I yelped. "No she's not."

"Oh?" Akito wondered. "You have some nerve."

Akito's grip tightened and I closed my eye's shut.

"You've got 5 minutes. Go visit her and leave. I'll be up there in 5 minutes and if I see you, you're dead." Akito threw me to the ground, it took no longer than a few seconds to get up and start running though.

I ran and ran and ran, until I got into Y/n's old room. Deja vu, I tell you. It was like walking into the past, the day we met.

I opened the door to see her hooked up to some food, going down a tube that's in her throat.

She was still asleep.

I sat down beside her, holding in tears, but then I just let it go.

I cried, silently so no one would hear. Tears streaming down my face. I grabbed her hand, but it just made me feel more empty. If anything I'm the pathetic one here, not her.

I then gently wrapped my hands around her, trying to hug her, it just felt strange. No one hugged me back this time.

"Rude." I spoke trying to make myself smile. Just like how she would respond.

"You have two minutes, if I were you I'd wrap things up." Hatori said from outside of the room.

"Right, thank you."

I fixed Y/n's blankets and left like a theif in the night.

No one said anything to me on my way out, it was nice.

I just wish I could've stayed longer.

No One's POV:

Everyday someone tried to visit, soon enough it was only Momiji, and at some point he stopped too.

Y/n still slept, but it wasn't like a coma. That's a good thing since it just means that she's bound to wake up, but the real question is; When?

The days went on, and Hatori was thankful for the peace, set aside Akito.

Even the new years passed, meaning the banquet did as well.

Every council member was worried, even for Yuki. They all missed Y/n.

Everyone did, Hanachan and Uochan. Especially Machi for the two had grew close.

It was unfortunate.

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